Chapter 8: Finale

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Solbin hung up right away, pummeling the red 'end call' button aggressively, right as the door opened.

"Hey, good morning," she said to Minseok quickly, trying to cover up how nervous she was. It was difficult to pretend her heart was not racing and her extra squeaky voice did nothing to help.

"Morning, baby," he replied sweetly. "I got breakfast," he announced proudly, placing a bag of food on the table. "And your favorite coffee."

She noticed that he had a bouquet in his other hand, the same combination of purple and yellow hyacinths as the one she had found yesterday night. Minseok was aware of what she was looking at too. "Well, since I didn't get to hand this to you in person yesterday, I hope this makes up for it," he said, handing the flowers to her and conveniently leaning in to kiss her.

"Aww, these smell really nice," she said cheerily.

"I'm glad you like it, baby," he smiled.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked. She hoped he had not got up at the crack of dawn just to get flowers for her.

"Yes, I usually sleep well knowing you're mine," he answered mirthfully. He took her hand and asked, rather seriously, "will you still be mine today?"

She opened her dry mouth even though she had not yet found the words to say. He was gazing at her lovingly but she merely stared back at him blankly as a hundred thoughts crossed her mind.

Say yes! Minseok had already apologized for overreacting out of jealousy, and he would not do it again. He never wanted to lose her.

Say no! Baekhyun was the one she should be with. She could not hide her feelings for him any longer, not after how they had bonded yesterday.

Say yes! Minseok was the sweetest boyfriend she could ever ask for. He loved you with all his heart and she knew damn well she loved him too. Right?

Say no! She got jealous of Baekhyun's girls for a reason, and it was because she had fallen for him, just as he had for her. But could she be sure of that?

Say yes! How could she just walk away from Minseok? What she had with him, it was real, it was love. Stay with him.

Say no! Maybe she could not choose either of them because she could not be with someone when she also had feelings for another.

She felt like her head was about to explode as she kept internally arguing with herself. It was as if she had spent hours and hours engrossed in this mental debate already, and Minseok was waiting for her answer.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Her heart sank and she whirled to look down at the bright screen of her phone, almost afraid to see what she knew she would see.

Incoming call from: Byun Baekhyun

What should she do?


A/n: Curious about what happens next? The sequel is what you need! Check out 'We Got Time On Our Hands' on my profile for a continuation, and answers to all the questions you have right now. :P

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