Chapter 3: Seulgi

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An hour later, Baekhyun woke up from his nap. Solbin was still sound asleep, so he tried to untangle himself from her as subtly as possible. Once he got out of bed, he picked up his clothes from the floor and proceeded to the recording room for the rest. Checking his phone which he had left in the recording room, it was almost 6 in the evening.

When Solbin woke up too, she was disappointed to find that Baekhyun was not right next to her. Perhaps waking up in each other's was something too romantic for the two of them; they were not even an official couple but surely she could not consider their relationship as 'just friends' now. Even before they slept together, the lingering feelings were way beyond a merely platonic level. On the other hand, she could not really say that it was romantic either, because it was not like what she felt for Minseok; that was romantic, and with him, love was easy, relatively uncomplicated. Basically, Solbin was just really confused about her feelings for Baek. Long gone were the days when she thought she could simply bury and forget how she felt toward Baekhyun. Sex did change everything. Even if it would not change anything for him, it had changed her indelibly. There was no going back now.

Solbin could faintly hear the shower noises coming from the bathroom, so she stopped wondering where Baekhyun was.

Ah, maybe she ought to get out of bed and get dressed. It must be late now, and she was getting hungry.

Like Baek did just now, Solbin searched for her clothes and wound up in the recording room. As she put her clothes back on, she smiled at the thought of his performance just now. It made her so giddy and elated, but then she got distracted when his phone, which he left on the chair in the room, vibrated to denote a new notification. She did not mean to see what was on the screen and she really had meant to ignore it at first. But it kept buzzing and it would not stop and because he was getting incoming phone calls. She sighed and took so much as a glimpse at it, but already that was enough for her to see that the caller ID showed a picture of a girl in the university band uniform. She was calling nonstop and the contact name was listed as somebody called Kang Seulgi.

Moments later she stopped calling though, and decided to text instead.

1 unread text message from: Kang Seulgi

Seulgi: "Cannot wait for our dinner date tonight! See you there :*"

Solbin's eyes popped wide open. Did she just read what she just read? She could not believe what she just saw. 'Dinner date'? 'Tonight'? Byun Baekhyun, what the hell? Was he actually dating someone? And considering what the two of them shared just now...once she put two and two together, she freaked out. Could it be that he was cheating on this Seulgi girl with her? Shit. What had she done?!

His phone continued buzzing. Each buzz was noisy, and made her more and more uneasy.

1 unread text message from: Krystal Jung

Krystal: "Hey Baek, long time no've you been?"

2 unread text messages from: Suzy Bae

Suzy: "Thanks for practicing with me yesterday! I'm sure it's gonna turn out great."

Suzy: "I'm going to send a demo to your email. Tell me what you think~"

1 unread text message from: Ryu Won

Won: "Is the seminar next week cancelled? Or just postponed? Just wondering if we'd get to meet. XD"

1 unread text message from: Lee Jieun

Jieun: "You bake the best cookies in the world. How will I ever repay you? Nom nom nom. :P"

There were so many!! They were just flooding in!! Nonstop!! Oh gosh. She gritted her teeth and glowered at the screen as if it could give her some answers.

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