The begining of a new journey

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Hiii it's me! Welcome to this 'is going to be trash in the future cuz I can predict it' fanfic. It will take place 5 years after promised day, when Edward and Winry already got their 2nd child in FMA manga/Brotherhood, when Team Natsu are on their way to the 100 year job in the Fairy Tail Manga and some place in Pokémon The series: Sun and Moon anime. I hope you will enjoy this book and I hope it won't become trash like the other ones I've created. Okay, TO THE STORYYYY!!!

"Long ago, about 500 years ago, a young prince was born. He already had an older sister 2 years older than him named R... Ketchum. But during that time, a war broke out. That long and dangerous war went so bad that it endangered the young prince and princess of the Cameran Palace. So, in order to protect them, someone insisted to cast the spell of 'eternal' slumber on them in exchange of his life."

"Of course, when they say 'eternal slumber', the 'eternal' part isn't all that correct. The spell can break about 300 years later, or even never! So it's unknown if the princess and her younger brother are awake or not. It's also hard to locate them if they're ever aliv since it has been there is a chance that they dyed their hair and got their name changed."

"At the end of the war, the queen found out she was pregnant with her third child. But during that time, the father had died that same day. The baby became the king many years later."

"And that's the legend." Lillie said as she closes the book. Everybody in the class was gasping in awe.

The group is currently in the Pokémon school right after Ash's grand trial against Olivia. (So that means litten hasn't evolved yet.)

"I'm surprised that you guys have never heard of it" Lillie added.

"I do!" Ash said enthusiastically. "Especially since I have the same last name as the ones in the book, many people thought I was the prince. But I'm just a regular Pokémon trainer who coincidentally has the same last name as them. My mom even told me about this story when I was little."

"Oh yeah. I heard that some people change their last names to famous for different reasons." Sophocles explained.

"Probably to seek attention." Lana added sarcastically.

"Lana!" Everyone but Ash exclaimed.

"Sorry. I was just kidding." She said with a goofy face.

"It's fine." Ash chuckled. "Don't wor-"


A sound of a huge explosion spread all across Melemele island and was easily heard by Ash and his classmates.

"What's that." Mallow asked worriedly.

"Come on, let's go find out. Come on, pikachu." Ash said as he dashed his way outside and headed towards the explosion. "Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed. "Right." The other classmates responded as they follow the young trainer along with the yellow rodent.

As the group of students from the Alolan Pokemon school approached the origin of the explosion, they came across a young man wearing a white coat and a black shirt. It was actually Gary Oak, one of Ash's long-time rivals and the grandson of the famous Professor Oak, running to the same place the alolan gang is heading towards.

"Gary!" Ash said with a surprised look on his face. "Why are you here in Alola?"

"I'll explain later. Just come with me. We need to know what that explosion is all about!" Gary yelled.

When the group (plus Gary Oak) arrived at the scene, everyone stared in shock and in fear, especially Gary and Ash. The smoke just cleared revealing an unconscious body of a young man.... or woman.
A moment of silence occurred due to them unable to move or talk. And then, Ash finally broke the silence.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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