Chapter 1

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 In a forest there was a run down shack with two boys, one being a boy named y/n, and the other on who was in a dirty old bed was a boy called jay.

'Jay, do you think that we'll ever be able to do thing like a lot of other people?'y/n asked."No big bro, I don't think we will but we will surely make the most of what we have."Jay answered."to take our minds off things, how about we take a stroll through the forest and look at the stars."Jay suggested, all the while y/n just nodded with a foxy grin, picked up Jay and ran off out of the shack and into the forest, illuminated by the stary night sky.

When they arrived, the found a plain field where y/n put down Jay and lay down to look at the night sky."Y/n look, it's a shooting star. Now make a wish."Jay quickly said, catching the attention of y/n who quickly started thinking about a wish.

It was soon answered by the so called shooting star was coming towards them. Panic quickly ensued in Jay and quickly told the oblivious y/n"Y/n, we need to go now!"Quickly raising himself, y/n picked up Jay and started to run in the opposite direction, with the meteor quickly closing the distance. The meteor hit the ground with a force that knocked y/n off his feet, dropping Jay in the process, causing him to go unconscious, hitting the floor with a  loud THUD.

after the dust had cleared y/n picked up the unconscious Jay and walked towards the meteor. Suddenly, six brightly coloured gems floated towards him and the colours merged to created an entity who just then spoke to y/n saying"Hell there young one. I have noticed how hard your life ha been and have come to give you a present."But before y/n could try to speak, the entity spoke again saying"These will come in the form of 6 stones with the power of the universe. The 1st is the space stone, which allows the user to control all of space. For example, the user can teleport, fly by bending the space around them to allow flight, create portals for others to go through, make their own pocket dimension, which is where you are the God of that dimension, allowing the user to bend to your will as a living space for and more. The next is the time stone, which gives you full control of time it self, like going back in time, slowing down time, creating time loops, fast forwarding time, stopping time, ageing and de-ageing objects, like plants, animals, people, etc. and also stopping the ageing of things. You can also speed up the process of healing on another person and temporarily increasing the strength in someone. you can also bring people back from the dead but it needs to be in conjunction with another stone called the soul stone which grant the ability to fully manipulate souls. Such as taking ones soul out, seeing other peoples souls which can sense if a person is lying, controlling people souls and with it, it can bring back the dead with the use of the time stone as well. The fourth is the reality stone, which give the user full control over reality. Like creating things out of thin air, controlling the elements strengthening other people's powers if they have any, can create and give people powers, heal wounds, like regenerating a lost limb or organ and can do it to others. It can also make you completely invisible, even to x-ray, thermal vision and can block all sound while invisible, making you undetectable by any means.The user can create illusions as well but has to be used with the mind stone. The fifth stone is the mind stone, which give the user full control of the mind. The user can control minds, read minds, erase memories, create false memories, can trap the user in a dream like state for the rest of their lives but has to be used with the reality stone. It can also allow the user to be able to move anything with their mind. The final stone is the power stone which can increase the user's strength, speed, stamina and durability infinitely. Having all of the infinity stones together would basically give you infinite power."This was a lot to take in for y/n, since he could do anything he wanted but what he said shocked the entity.'Well can you give me for stones and the other two can go to my little brother.'"Well then. Why would you just take four of them instead of all of them?" the entity asked shocked.'Because that way my brother can be happy and can protect himself if something happens and I'm not there.'y/n replied."Now then, what stones would you like?"the entity asked, surprised but satisfied by the answer it was given.'I would like the time stone, the space stone, the reality stone and the power stone. The mind stone and the soul stone can go to Jay.'y/n said."Why would you choose those specific stones?"it asked, curious why y/n had chosen them.'Well, it's so that if we want to raise someone from the dead, then we would both have to agree and if want want to trap someone in a dream then we would also have to both agree on it. Another reason is that the mind stone will allow Jay to walk for the first time and that if he's in trouble, I can protect him.'y/n replied, which for the entity, an all powerful being was shocked at this development. Soon regaining it's composure it said"That is an answer even I wasn't expecting. None the less I will grant your request but I must explain  a few things."the being said, while y/n was just listening to what it was saying."First is that you will be transported to a new world. Second is that the stones will be fused to your skin, never being able to remove them. As for the placements of them, for you it will be the space stone on the back of your left hand, the reality stone will be on your forehead, the time stone will be on the back of your left hand and the power stone will be on the centre of your chest. With your brother it will be the mind stone on his forehead and the soul stone on his belly button. The third thing is that I will make you more intelligent, for you, the IQ of a second year middle school student and you brother, since he has the mind stone on top of that means he will have the IQ of a  professional scientist. Now when I send you to this new world you will fall unconscious and when you and your brother wake up, you will have to explain everything to him."it said. Y/n just replied with a nod and suddenly weak and blacked out.          

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