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          ~Third Person POV~

"Kenny, stop!"
"₩hy should I? Grabbing your sweet ass is just too much fun."
Kyle scoffed as Kenny was physically attacking his ass. God. Does he have anything better to do that harass him? Probably not. They were watching a Movie,  it was called "Paint it White".
"Jeez, this title is a dirty joke in its own" Kenny said Lazily, laying down on the couch. Kyle nodded as he sat criss-crossed next to him, watching the opening scene. So. . . its an anime. Kenny suddenly pulled Kyle to his chest, cuddling him from behind.
Kyle gasped, "The fuck!?!"
"Felt like it" Kenny mumbled, nestling his face into Kyle's neck. Kyle scoffed as he watched the movie. On occasion, the movie cut from talking about aliens to little clips. One being about two blonde haired men, arguing over a marriage registration form. One sounded French, while the other sounding British. Odd. Suddenly, interrupting Kyle's thoughts, Kenny slipped his hand in Kyle's pants, making him gasp and pull away.
"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL KENNY!" Kyle shouted, out of shock and confusion.
"Felt like it" Kenny said again, laziness in his voice.
Kyle sat down on the couch again, feeling annoyed. He mumbled a "Fuck you." Kenny then pulled Kyle to his chest again and cuddled him. Not wanting to upset him again, he didn't touch him or he could've gotten punched.
"Kyle?" Kenny asked.
No response.
He looked to see Kyle peacefully sleeping in his arms. Must have been tired. He smiled and continued watching the movie.
How was that? Let me know what you think and leave some requests. I wrote this while reading Economic Flushout by Konata101. Read it all before, just re-reading it again cuz I loved it.
~RXL Chan <3

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