Prologue- Masaki's Castle

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Competitors- 12/12

The sky was pitch black, with white speckles shining brightly. A tall shadow leaned against the dark wall of the castle.
"My lady, I have secured 6 teenagers as you requested for the game." The man's cold voice spoke.
"Good work Kaito.." The female sighed.
"Thank you my lady." He smiled.
"We need six more, as we are hosting this for 12 people. I will do the rest."
"My lady, I can handle it."
"Not after what is about to happen, I'm afraid."
Kaito quickly realized what was happening and tried to fight back but the female snapped his neck. His body quickly fell limp. The woman dropped his body on the ground and walked away. "What a shame..." She murmured.


As Aki Suyoto stepped out of her bedroom door, the crisp air greeted her. She knew today was the day, that she went camping with a group of friends. She ran down the stairs quickly and nearly tripped on the last step. She shoved a piece of toast in her mouth and laced up her running shoes. Her phone rang wildly as she picked it up. "Hello? Yes, I have them. I don't know. Why are you calling? God, I don't know!" She then hung up the phone and jogged out the door, on her way to Luke's house.

Luke stretched his body out as he waited for Aki and Maru to show up. He knew that they were meeting a few others to go camping in Honoko Forest, which was supposedly haunted. He was excited, while Aki could care less and Maru was terrified. Aki had lost her half-sister to that forest, so she wasn't exactly thrilled when Maru asked if they could go camping there. Maru was bringing snacks from her work place, Pepper's while Aki was bringing camping equipment. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Open up you piece of shit!" Aki screamed. Maru just stood there, quietly with her bags full of chips, burritos, and candy. Luke ran to open the door, and then got kicked in the square by Aki as a greeting. "OW WHAT THE-" Luke squeaked. "No reason. I feel much better now." Aki smiled. Luke sighed then continued. "Okay, we have everything. Do we have everybody?" Luke announced. "The others are meeting us there!" Aki cheered. "That answers that question. Maru, are you ready?" Luke smiled at the fragile girl. "I-uh-well- Yeah, I'm ready.. I guess..." Maru sighed. "Okay, let's head out!" Luke shouted with excitement, while Aki stood next to him and Maru was shaking heavily.

As Aki and Luke walked together to the forest with Maru following, Luke grabbed Aki's hand and squeezed it gently. "You ready to meet Masuya, Maris, and Kito?" Luke asked. "Hell yeah!" Aki cheered. The group then charged into the forest, ready for anything that would come their way.

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