#01 New York Queens.

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"Myla's P. O. V."


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"What are you doing? A little video diary?" My dad asks Peter while I just keep on playing on my phone, barely even looking at them

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"What are you doing? A little video diary?" My dad asks Peter while I just keep on playing on my phone, barely even looking at them. We're sitting in a car that's being driven by Happy and we're at New York Queens which is where Peter lives and where I'm staying at another place for a while because my dad wants to sell his tower.

There's gonna be some movement due to starting to pack up to get some more time because it's not gonna be hard for my dad to sell his tower. I easily get stressed so the last time we were moving, I had an anxiety attack and my dad doesn't want me to go through it again. For some reason, he wants me to live close to this guy Peter who I don't even know while people pack up.

All I know about Peter is that he's my age, a few months older, and that he has an 'Internship' with my dad. My dad hasn't even told me what the Internship's about, at least not exactly, he's been avoiding it. When I ask him what's Peter doing in the 'Internship' all he says is 'Stuff. Just stuff.' while shrugging his shoulders.

I know that he's keeping something away from me, but I don't think it's bad because whenever there's been something bad, he always tells me so I'm aware of what's happening and so I'm more careful with what I do. But what I want to know the most is why I'm gonna be living close to Peter.

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