#10 HomeComing. (Epilogue/End)

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"Myla's P. O. V."

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I nervously walk through the double doors into the gym where the HomeComing dance is taking place, letting out a shaky breath and trying to find Peter, Ned or Michelle

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I nervously walk through the double doors into the gym where the HomeComing dance is taking place, letting out a shaky breath and trying to find Peter, Ned or Michelle. I tried calling Peter today again but he still wouldn't answer, so I left a message instead, telling him that I'd go to HomeComing and that if he didn't see me there...

That I'd probably be at my old apartment in front of his because of the late time and that I just wanted to see him again. I spent most of yesterday with Pepper, looking for a dress and I'm happy for the one that I found, all tho I'm scared that it'll get stained with something because it's white.

Before I left, my dad and Pepper insisted in taking pictures, of me alone with no date, which is weird. And then I nearly cried because my dad almost cried just by watching me all dressed up, so I had to leave before my dad cried. I see Michelle and Ned with the rest of the Decathlon team and start walking towards them, being stopped within just two steps.

"Hey." A tall guy who I don't know says, but I have to admit, he has some nice looks. "Hi." I awkwardly say. "You came here with somebody?" He asks. "... Yeah, my friends." I answer, pointing over at them and making him look back at them as I see Ned waving enthusiastically at me while Michelle waves her hand over, signalling me to go with them.

"What about a date?" He asks and I see him looking down at me somewhat stalkingly. "Nope. But I'm sure I don't want it to be you." I say, wanting to already go with people who really care about me. I start walking away again and hear guys' voices letting out "Ohhhhhh" 's.

I glance back to see the tall guy sitting back down at a table with guys teasing him and pushing his shoulders. I look back forward and see that I already reached Ned, Michelle and the rest. "Hi!" Ned happily says and I smile at them. "Hey! I thought you wouldn't come." Michelle says. "So did I, I actually... wanted to talk to Peter too." I say.

I'm still really worried for him, want to apologize for my dad being a complete idiot and ask him if he's alright. As soon as the last words leave my mouth, they give me a questioning look as well as glancing at each other. "What?" I ask. "You didn't hear?" Ned asks. "Hear what?" I ask, already feeling that this isn't gonna be good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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