It's okay not to be okay

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Jenny was finally able to calm her sister. She had handcuffed tall dark and British to the end of Abbie's bed, so there was no worries about him getting up.

"Are you alright," Jenny asked sternly.

Abbie's eyes never broke from where Crane sat. Abbie nodded, but the feral look on her face disagreed. Without a word, Abbie stood and sprinted to the bathroom. Jenny took this time to spot the broken lock on the door and Abbie's pants hanging lifelessly from the edge of her bed.

"Sick fuck,"Jenny whispered to herself.

She wished that the image of Crane smacking her sister while she practically begged him to get the hell off of her wasn't forever burned into her memory. She hated herself for letting the situation go on for a second longer, but what she saw shocked her to the core of her being.  A second later she heard Abbie spill her already empty stomach into the toilet.

Abbie hunched over the toilet dry heaving every ten seconds. She sat on her bottom and pulled her legs into her chest. What was wrong with him? Was he posessed or something? Abbie let her head fall onto her knees as Lmao began rocking back and forth. 'I can't keep going through this' Abbie thought. Jenny jumped to her feet and reached for her phone. She dialed the only number that would know what to do in a situation like this.

"Irving...yes we have sort of a situation. No I can't explain it over the phone. Can you please just get over to Abbie's place," Jenny choked back tears when she heard Abbie crying in the bathroom.

Jenny ended the call with Irving. She peered over at Crane. He had passed out from shock right after he spoke. 'There better be a good explanation for this' Jenny thought. She walked slowly to the bathroom debating what she would say to Abbie. Her brain jumped from wall to wall until she layed eyes on her sister.

"Hey Abbs,"Jenny said softly. Abbie didn't look up. She eyed her sister's attire.

"Abbie umm Irving is on his way so you might want to put some clothes on,"the younger sister explained.

Abbie looked at her overexposed body like it was the first time she saw it.

"I'm not going in there with him,"she croaked.

Jennifer sat next to Abbie on the floor.

"That's fine I'll just bring your clothes to you and you can get dressed in here if you want," Jenny put an arm around her sister.

"Thanks, "Abbie said.

"No problem,"Jenny offered up. The younger sister quickly sauntered into her sister's room and found a pair of jeans and a shirt. When she returned to the bathroom Abbie was brushing her teeth and flinging water to her face.

"Here you go," Jenny said hoping her sister was okay this time.

"Oh, thanks,"Abbie smiled.

Her mood seemed to have changed. Abbie dressed in under a minute.

"So what time is Irving supposed to be here,"Abbie questioned. Jenny surveyed her sister.

"Umm he should be on his way," she answered.

"Okay, Abbie walked out of the bathroom and into the living room.

She flopped on the couch and stared at the floor.

"Look Abbs if you need to go to the hospital I could-"

"No I'm fine, " Abbie seethed. Jenny turned on the light to take a better look at Abbie. She cringed at the sight of her puffy face.

"Hey you want something cold for your face," Jenny cleared her throat.

"No, it's fine,"Abbie said with a wave of her hand.

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