Chapter 55

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I crawl over to him and lift his head onto my lap. I rip open his shirt and blood shoots out where he got shot. My eyes widen as I see how close the bullet is to his heart.

"Help... me." Ryan whispers.

"Hey, shhh. Don't speak." I say.

I take off my shirt apply as much pressure as I can. He holds my bloody hand in his and looks up at me with sorrow.

"Don't. Don't you dare give up on my Ryan Tierra Miller." I say to him.

I look around to see where the other gunman was; maybe the Black Hood's accomplice wasn't dead after all.

I see Toni with the gun in her shaky hands. Her eyes widen with fear as tears trail down her cheeks. She drops the gun and covers her mouth with her hands.

She runs over to me and says:

"I m-meant to shoot the Black Hood."

"Oh God Rhys, I am so sorry. What can I do to help?" She adds.

A part of my wanted to beat her to a pulp for doing this to my brother, but the other part wanted me to think logically.

"Go to one of the cars and grab a first aid kit." I say lowly.

"But what if it is locked." She says.

I glower up at her and something in me snapped.


She gasps in fear before running to where the cars were. Tears began to cloud my vision as I stare down at Ryan.

"You're going to be okay, I promise." I say, pushing his hair away from his face.

He wipes away my tears, smearing blood on my face but I didn't care. Aunt May, Veronica and Betty all kneel next to me.

"Guys, give him space to breathe." I command.

They all comply and I hear multiple punches landing. I look over to see Archie, Sweet Pea, F.P., Jughead, Fangs and the rest of the Serpents were still punching and kicking the Black Hood.

I don't know if he is dead or not, but if he is, good riddance.

"Guys, stop! You're going to kill him!" Betty exclaims as she pulls on Sweet Pea's arm.

He pushes her away from him and she falls to the ground. Jughead pushes on Sweet Pea's chest and says:

"Hey, don't touch my girl like that!"

"Really Jones? You're going to choose that Northsider over your family?" Sweet Pea says.

Some of the Serpents pull away from the Black Hood and file in behind Sweet Pea.

"This punk tried to kill my girlfriend, your friend, and you're worried about how I treat your Northside girlfriend?" Sweet Pea says, walking closer to Jughead.

"Stop." I squeak.

Everyone looks at me and Sweet Pea's eyes widen as he sees Ryan.

"Oh shit." He says.

"Rhys!" Toni calls as she approaches me with the first aid kit.

She collapses to the floor and I bust open the first aid kit. Ryan's skin turns slightly pale and his breathing went shallow.

"No, no, no. Ryan, don't die on me." I say.

"I'm so sorry, Ry." Toni says as he caresses Ryan's hair.

"Don't touch him!" I scream at her.

"Do something useful and call an ambulance." I add.

"But I don't have any internet conn-"

"Toni, so help me God! If I tell you the same thing twice, I will hesitate to choke the life out of you." I threaten.

She backs away from me and I rip open a packet of gauge. I put the gauge on his wound and break off a piece of tape with my teeth. I tape the gauge onto his chest and he squeezes my hand.

"Stop, Rhys." He says in a low voice.

"No, I refuse to give up on you. You didn't give up on me when I was in a coma or when I pushed you away. So I am not going to give up on you now." I whisper.

He clamps his hands over mine, preventing me from doing anything else.

"There's nothing that you can do." He says.

"Toni, where the hell is that ambulance?" I call.

"They are five minutes away!" She calls back.

"That's not fast enough!"

Ryan holds out his hand, to do our twin handshake. Tears swell in both of our eyes and we hit each other's hands three times before pulling down and giving each other a two fingered salute.

"I love you.." He says before releasing his last breath.

** Cue the Music **

My heart sinks as I see the light leaving his eyes.

"Ryan?" I whisper.

"Oh my god." Aunt May says with her hands covering her mouth.

My breathing started to drastically increase when I shake him and he doesn't respond. I pull his body closer to mine and bury my head into his neck. Though he is still warm, the lack of breath in his lungs proves that my twin brother is no longer with me.

My body shook as I loudly sob. My tears slide passed my jaw and onto my neck as I slowly rock his body in my lap.

Minutes passed by when I finally hear the delayed beep of the ambulance siren.

"Where's the victim?" The paramedic asks.

"Right here." F.P. states, pointing toward Ryan.

"Ma'am you need to clear the way so we can work." He says.

"He's gone." I croak.

I slowly set Ryan down on the ground and close his eyes. I stand as the paramedic puts two fingers on the base of his neck and bows his head. Sweet Pea pulls me into his chest and I emotionally unravel in his arms. He placed his bruised hand on the back of my head and rests his chin on my head.

All sounds die down and I feel a hand on my back, guiding me towards an open ambulance. I look to see the same paramedic from before, he sits me down on the step of the ambulance. He soaks some cotton balls in alcohol and spreads it on my wound. I can feel my inner muscles burn from the alcohol, but I decide to ignore the pain.

I can hear him trying to make conversation with me as he tended to my sounds, but all I could do was stare as the policeman who zipped up my brother's body bag. I feel the paramedic put a blanket around me before he walks away.

"I'm so sorry about your brother." I hear a policeman say to me.

"I know this seems like a bad time, but I would like to ask you a few questions. Do you think you can do that for me?" He says.

I shake my head no and he says:

"Okay, Well... I'll keep in touch... Do you need to call someone?"

"She has us, we'll take her home." Sweet Pea says to the officer.

The officer walks away and Sweet Pea crouches down to meet my eye level.

"Aunt May, Archie, Betty, Veronica and Jughead are all in shock, so it seems like I will spend most of my night driving people around... Unless you want me to stay, because I'll stay if you need me to." He says.

I can feel his gaze on my face but I still decide to stare down at the ground for a while before I say:

"I don't know what I need anymore."

Kept in Suspense~ A Sweet Pea Sequel {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now