Chapter 61

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"Are you sure about this, princess?" Sweet Pea asks as we approach Tyler's doorstep.

I decided that everyone should meet the man who pulled me out of my depression episode and helped me become Rhys again. It been a while since Tyler and I have been in touch. Mostly because he's been busy with baby Arabella.

I ring the doorbell and Tyler opens the door within minutes.

"Hey Ty...ler?" I trail off when I see Tyler with dark, large bags under his redden eyes.

His beard seemed a little more overgrown and his hair is a lot more disheveled than I expected. He is wearing a black V-Neck and white speedo looking boxers.

My eyes quickly scan his body then widen when I see his slightly exposed body.

"Tyler," I whisper/scream.

He hums in response and leans his head on the door frame. He closes his eyes for a split second and I soon after heard him snore.

I spin around and clap my hands for emphasize.

"Okay, would you guys mind heading back to Aunt May's or the White Wyrm. I'll call you when I'm finished here; Tyler and I are going to need some privacy." I say.

"I'm sorry?" Sweet Pea asks.

"You're going to be alone with this-"

I press my finger against his lips and say:

"Don't you finish that sentence."

He huffs in annoyance and I add:

"Clearly he is going through a rough patch, and I am going to help him out. Why? Because he helped me out when I didn't listen to anyone else. He needs me; guys. I'll get things cleaned up here and then I'll call you when I'm done, okay?"

Everyone else murmurs in agreement and walked back to the cars before they drove away. Sweet Pea looks at me with crossed arms.

"Go Sweet Pea," I command.

"You are seven months pregnant, you could barely get up these stairs. And you're talking about helping a grown ass man get himself together?" He asks.

"He lost his wife a week before I lost Ryan. He had to keep himself together to save me from depression. And my guess is, he finally let go. I will be fine, Sweet. Go." I say.

He looks at the house, to Tyler-who is now asleep and drooling on the door frame- and back to me.

"Now, Sweet Pea." I say.

He mumbles something under his breath and finally gave up the argument. He pressed a kiss on my cheek before hopping on his motorcycle. He revved it slightly and looked at me through his helmet.

I snapped my fingers and pointed to the exit like I would a dog, and he finally leaves. I huff and turn around to see Tyler asleep against the door frame.

Baby Arabella is crying furiously in the distance.

"Oh buddy," I say with a sigh.

I take Tyler's massive arm and put it over my shoulders as I drag him inside. The musk of dirty clothings and dishes lace the air as I toss him onto the couch. I blow raspberries as rub my lower back.

"Where should I start?" I say as I place my hands on my hips.

Baby Arabella still continues to cry and I walk to her room. Her faces turns watermelon pink as she continues to scream. She lays on her back and squeezes her fists as her face scrunches with frustration.

"Hey there sweetheart, what's wrong?" I ask, grabbing her receiving blanket before picking her up.

She takes a momentary break to breathe before going back to crying. I see her binkie on the floor and slowly squat down to pick it up. I walk to the kitchen and wash the binkie under the faucet. I put it in the baby's mouth for the time being before I make her a bottle. I warm it up in the microwave for about thirty seconds before giving it to her.

I slowly sit down on the couch across from a knocked out Tyler and pull out her binkie. She whines and reaches for the bottle. I give her the bottle bounce her as she happily drinks her milk.

I softly examine her delicate features: her curly, dark brown hair like her father, her light brown eyes with an innocent twinkle from her mother, her dimples, her soft face and her cute little baby teeth she's beginning to grow in.

Once she's done with her bottle, she looks up at me with wide eyes. Luckily, she doesn't cry. I put her over my shoulder and gently pats her back. I continuously pat her and wait for her to burp.

"You tired out your Daddy, baby Arabella. Look at him, drooling all over his expensive couch." I say.

Almost as if he heard me, he snorts and rolls onto his other side.


"Atta girl," I say.

I give her the binkie and balance her on my hip. I feel her diaper and notice that it is full. I pick up her diaper bag and set her on top of the receiving blanket. I change her diaper and then I place her in the bouncy chair.

"Hello bella. What'cha doin, huh? What'cha doin?" I say in a baby voice.

She laughs her adorable baby laugh and I turn on the TV to Disney Junior. While she was entertained, I decided to go to the kitchen first. Piles upon piles dishes await to be cleaned and I huff with annoyance.

Over the duration of five hours, I cleaned the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, the upstairs rooms and the baby room with a thirty minute break in between. There were some points that I had to take longer breaks because dizzy spells would come over me. Which- from what I read- is common in some pregnancies.

I put the first load of laundry in the washer before sorting them out by colors. I find a pair of clean boxers, a fuschia t-shirt and black cargo pants and fold them on top of a clean towel. I set the clothing on the table in front of Tyler.

I grab a blanket and put it on Tyler's body before I lay his head on a pillow.

I look at the time to see it read 8:45 and decided to make him dinner. I grab my phone and text Sweet Pea and Aunt May that I'm going to stay the night. Almost immediately Sweet Pea texts:

"Wtf? Hell no, you're not spending the night with that dude. I'm coming over there."

"I've known this dude since the Black Hood incident. So he's not a complete stranger," I text back.

"I'm still headed over there,"

"I'm not going to let you in,"

"Then I will break in,"

"Sweet Pea, 😡"

"Rhys, 😤"

"I'll see you tomorrow," I text before putting the conversation on mute.

Soon after, he calls me and I ignore the phone call. I walk to the kitchen and made a bowl of chili with garlic bread. When I was finished, I turned off the stove. I hold baby Arabella and rock her to sleep. I lay her on her stomach as turn on the microphone speaker.

I take the other microphone speaker with me to the living room and I lift the pillow and place it in my lap. Tyler lays down on my lap and I slowly drift off to sleep.

Kept in Suspense~ A Sweet Pea Sequel {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now