Chapter 57

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"Princess?" Sweet Pea says as he examines me.

"Today is his funeral?" I ask, cringing at my voice.

Since I haven't spoken for so long, my voice is light and husky.

"Yes, there is... at noon. Do you want to go?" Sweet Pea asks.

I nod before I say:

"I'll..get ready."

"Okay... do you need any help?" He asks.

I shake my head no before I take a wobbly step. Sweet Pea catches me before my knees give out and I stare up into his concerned, dark brown eyes.

"Just like old times, huh?" He says with a small smile.

I gaze further into his eyes and he rests his forehead onto mine.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" He asks.

"I'm okay... it's just been a while since I.."

"I know.." He says, helping me stand up right.

I walk back into my room and pull out my clothes for what I'm wearing to Ryan's funeral.

I walk back into my room and pull out my clothes for what I'm wearing to Ryan's funeral

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I walk to the bathroom and Sweet Pea makes sure that I didn't fall again.

"Are you stairs you don't want me to-"

"I'll be fine Sweet Pea." I say before turning on the faucet.

"Okay, Well... I'll literally be right outside if you need me, so..." He trails off before closing that door.

I look into the mirror as I peel off my clothes and I take off the bandage of where the bullet grazed my arm; which happened to be healing nicely.

I turn to the side to see if my baby bump was noticeable. Luckily, it wasn't, since I am only a three weeks pregnant.

There were some dark spots on my skin from the lack of sunlight and bags started to form under my eyes from my lack of sleep.

With all honestly, looked like shit; and there was no way in hell that I will look like shit at my brother's funeral. That's just not going to happen.

I snap out of my gaze and I bend down to brush my fingertips against the running water. Once I was satisfied, I pull up on the nozzle and start my shower. I groan as my back cracked when I stood.

"Rhys?" Sweet Pea says, bursting into the bathroom.

His eyes dart frantically around the room for any signs of frustration.

I grab the shower curtain and cover my bare body before I say:

"Sweet Pea, I'm fine, I'm okay."

"Sorry, I thought I heard something." He says.

"You see, I would lock the door, but I would probably break it down trying to get to you. Then Aunt May would definitely kill me." He adds.

An unexpected laugh erupted from my chest, which surprised us both.

"There's the girl that I know and love." He says.

"I'll.. let you get back to your shower." He adds before closing the door.

I hold my stomach and go into the shower. The numbingly hot water runs down my body and weighs down my hair. I sigh as the water pressure loosens my stiff muscles. I arch my back, cracking the bones in the process. I subconsciously reach out for the shampoo and start massaging my scalp.

** Cue the Music **

I've spent about a two hours getting ready. I took about thirty minutes in the shower, washing my hair, thirty minutes getting changed and putting on my make-up and spent a whole hour straightening my hair.

I put the finishing touches on my lipstick before walking downstairs, where Aunt May, F.P., Archie, Jughead and Fangs waited for me. They all stood from their spots and looked at me.

"You look beautiful, sweetheart." Aunt May says.

"Thanks." I respond.

I timidly hold my arm in my hand as I walk over to Sweet Pea, who is dressed in a all black tux.

"Are we ready to go?" He asks.

Everyone looked at me and I say:

"It's now or never."

We all hop in our cars and drive to the church. The bell rings three ominous times and we all walk into the church. Aunt May and F.P. decide to go first and Sweet Pea and I go last. The whispers come to a stop when I walk into the room.

I scan the room to see Aunt Barb sitting in the first row. I approach her and she stands from her seat.

"Aunt Barb?" I say.

"Where is everyone else?" I add.

"They uh... they decided to stay back with their ignorant egos.. I don't want to get into the specifics.." She says as she stands.

She pulls me in for a tight hug before she whispers:

"I'm so sorry sweetheart."

My arms dangle at my sides and I just stare at her as she hugs me. A small tinge in my heart tells me to hug her back, but if I do, then I will most likely cry. And I can't cry because then I would come off as weak.

She can sense my hesitance, so she hugged me tighter.

"You don't have to put up a front with me, Rhys. It's okay to cry." She says.

"'s not." I say, trying to hold back my tears.

"Let it all out." She says, rubbing circles on my back.

My throat stings in anticipation and I finally wrap my arms around her. I bury my head into her neck, inhaling the slight scent of honey. Tears swell in my eyes and spill onto my cheeks.

"I miss him so much." I say before breaking out into sobs.

"I know, baby." She says softly.

She caresses my hair and I continue to sob loudly against her shoulder.

"May we please take our seats." The priest says.

I pull away from the hug and Aunt Barb motions me to sit down next to her. I comply and the priest says:

"We are here today to pay our tribute and our respect to a man of God, our brother, Ryan Tierra Miller. Not only have people from this congregation and community gathered, but many ministers have come... ministers who have respected Ryan as a minister, and have loved him as a friend and as family. To know Ryan, you were destined to love him! We are also here today to seek and to receive comfort. We would be less than honest if we said that our hearts have not ached over this situation. We are not too proud to acknowledge that we have come here today trusting that God would minister to our hearts, and give us strength as we continue in our walk with Him. It is our human nature to want to understand everything now, but TRUST requires that we lean and rely heavily on God even when things seem unclear."

I squeeze Aunt Barb's hand as the priest continued on the funeral and she returns the gesture.

"Anybody who would like to say a few words, please step forward." The priest says.

"I would like to say a few words." A voice pipes.

I look over my shoulder to see Toni standing. She looks at me with sorrow as she walks up to the alter.

Kept in Suspense~ A Sweet Pea Sequel {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now