Chapter 2

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I look at my watch and realize it has only been about four hours since I've started my shift. Which means I still have two more hours until I can go home to get ready for that social tonight. 

Having already helped all the customers at the bar, I resort to some cleaning around me until I have a new order to make. I've been working at The Caring Cup for over a year now and to be honest, I did love the job. Although the start was a bit rough having to learn all the drink orders and just overall dealing with impatient and rude customers, I enjoyed it. Plus, my coworkers were all very nice and fun to work with.

Out of all of them, however, I was definitely closer with Ren. She was also a student at NYU and took couple classes with me. Sadly, she wasn't working tonight to help me think of outfit ideas.


After the two hours were up, I quickly hang up my apron in my locker and walk out of the cafe.

I wasn't planning on putting too much effort since this wasn't something I was totally excited for. However, since my clumsy ass just had to spill coffee all over myself just before my shift ended, I knew I had to take a shower so I didn't smell of coffee in front of complete strangers.

Thinking back to my uncoordinated self I roll my eyes and make my way up the stairs to my apartment, which is just a couple blocks away from the cafe. As I put the key into the keyhole, I can already hear by baby whining on the other side of the door, just waiting to be cuddled with.

I open the door to greet my child, "Hi Baby!" Crouching down to pet him, I continue to coo at my one year old husky.

After spending another ten minute procrastinating, I finally get up to take my shower with Baby shadowing my steps

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After spending another ten minute procrastinating, I finally get up to take my shower with Baby shadowing my steps.

Stripping off my smelly clothes, I step into the shower and do my typical routine. Of course, that includes listening to Baby whine some more for not letting him into the bathroom with me. I've made that mistake a few times, which only led to him either licking the toilet water or practically jumping into the shower with me. As much as I absolutely hate hearing him cry for his mommy, I need to teach him to be patient.

Once I finish, I grab a big towel and wrap it around my body while I grab another to wrap around my head. Knowing that I am done with my shower, Baby's crying only gets louder, leading me to quickly open the door before I start crying.

"Baby, quit it! You're gonna make me cry as well" I sigh. "Come'on then. Help me pick out my outfit for tonight."

Walking into my room, I turn the lights on and point to the bed as a sign to tell Baby to get on and not move. He listens and gets comfy as I make my way into my walk-in closet.

Knowing that this "event" is more casual and social rather than the typically college frat party, I decide on something simple. For my top, I go for a thin cable knit sweater that is cropped just below my belly button. As for my bottom, I grab a pair of capris jeans since I will be covering up the majority of my legs with my thigh high boots.

Before putting on the entire outfit, I also grab a matching set of black lace. Although I know I'm not planning on going home with someone, I always wear matching underwears because mitch match ones bother the hell out of me.

(Don't mind the pink highlights

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(Don't mind the pink highlights. Ronnie doesn't have them in the story)

Putting on my clothes, I walk back out to my room, only to see Baby still on my bed staring in my direction. Smiling at how cute he was, I take my towel turbine off my head to let it dry naturally. I'm already taking my time looking semi-decent so I have no motivation to even try with my hair. 

Checking the time, it's already six o'clock. Shit, I only have thirty minutes until Chris arrives.

Quickly running into the bathroom, I start on my makeup. As someone who enjoys natural makeup over the intense looks that have been super trendy lately, I do my everyday makeup just with a red lip to add some color to my overall look.

Just as I am finishing with my lips, I hear a knock at my door, causing Baby to run towards the door.

Already knowing it is Chris, I just yell "It's open!"

"Damn girl! You actually tried this time" Chris giggles.

Spinning around from the mirror, I send a quick glare only to turn back to take one last look at myself. I don't say anything back to Chris because it's true. I don't dress nicely too often. One because I am always working after classes and don't feel the need to dress nicely and two because I'm a lazy bum.

Turning back around I look at Chris' outfit of the night. He has on his signature leather jacket with a floral black shirt tucked in a pair of black jeans. And to top it all off, some all black boots.

"What are you, going to a funeral?" I laugh lightly.

Sending his not so scary glare, he yells "Bitch, I don't have time for your hate. We're already late come'on!"

"Okay! Hold on, let me put feed Baby real quick." Looking down at my pup "Let's go get you dinner." At the sound of me saying his trigger word, dinner, Baby nearly knocks Chris onto the floor, leaving him cursing at me for not teaching my dog some manners and me laughing as I walk into the kitchen.


Okay so here's the second chapter. Things will get a little more interesting in the next chapter. The first and second chapter was a general introduction to the main character and her friend. And of course Baby, the cute pooch.

If you haven't read my Into/ Prologue chapter, I will just mention again. I am using my prologue as a guide to build this story. Which means I don't have concrete plot or idea of how this book will continue. I have a general sense but nothing that is certain so please bear with me.

Also I am currently a college student so I won't be able to upload all the time. I write when I have time and don't have writers block so I'm sorry if that bothers you. Personally, I'm someone who only reads a book that is clearly stated as finished. So if you want to wait until I am finished with this one, that is totally understandable.

Lastly please point out my mistakes or anything that you think is strange. I take all criticism UNLESS it is for just pure hate.

Oh one last thing! I'm still having trouble coming up with a person that can potentially play Chris' role. If anyone has suggestions, feel free to comment and I will look into them!

Thank you loves!

- H

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