Chapter 3

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After I fed Baby, Chris was quick to drag me out the house saying we were late even when the gathering technically began at seven. Not surprisingly, he had a cab waiting outside ready to take us to our destination.

On the drive to the house, Chris went on about who was going to be there and basically what to expect. Since I haven't been to one of these socials in a while, I was quite nervous about what would happen tonight. All I knew was that couple of our schoolmates would be attending too.

Luckily, I was close enough to them that I would be able to have an actual conversation with them rather than one of those awkward situations where you know them but not enough to actually say hi.

Once we arrive, we take the short steps up to the front door that was strangely open, almost as if it was a sign of 'open to all' type situations. Giving each other shrugs, we walk inside to see that this was a whole lot busier than the typical social. Every direction I looked, there was a group of people having a good time. Although, I was glad the overall atmosphere wasn't too intense like I hoped.

"Let's go grab some drinks first. I need you nice and relaxed asap" Chris speaks, snapping me out from observing the place.

Halfway to the kitchen, I nearly fall over a pair of legs that I didn't see due to its' position on the ground. Quickly gaining my balance, I look back, ready to give this person a piece of my mind for leaving their legs in a very inconvenient place. However, that plan totally goes down the drain the second my own eyes land on another pair.

Pale green eyes stare straight back at my own, full of amusement to have seen my almost-fall

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Pale green eyes stare straight back at my own, full of amusement to have seen my almost-fall. Captivated by the lightness and beauty of the green orbs, I stand frozen, continuing my one sided staring contest with this stranger. It is only when his face breaks into a wide smile, I am broken from his 'spell.'

Trying to brush off my awkward action, I bring out a forced cough, "Sorry" *ahem* "um, I didn't you there." My eyes travel to the floor as I can feel my cheeks burning with heat.

Amused by my shy persona, he just laughs lightly, "It's alright love. Sorry my legs were in your way."

Still in my flustered state, I mumble out a quick 'I gotta go' and turn towards the kitchen before the beautiful stranger could respond.

As I reach the kitchen, I see Chris already holding two drinks in his hand while talking to some people I couldn't quite make out.

When I reach them, Chris asks, "where were you? I thought I lost you for a second there."

Yeah, lost in someone's eyes, I said in my mind.

"Uh sorry, I bumped into someone" I stated in the most uninterested tone.

"Well say hi. This is Chloe and you already know Jackson" he nudges.

"Oh hey, I'm Ronnie, but you can just call me Ron if you'd like" I say as I shake Chloe's hand and I turn to Jackson and give him a short hug.

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