Chapter 4*

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Hello loves! So as you can see from the chapter title, (and if you read my last chapter) there is a little star AKA there is smut. If you aren't comfortable, please do skip the section I will indicate. There won't be much you will miss if you do. But if your like me and are okay with this, read ahead my lovelies.

However, this will be my last warning to those who aren't comfortable with this, so for future references, make sure to look at the titles before reading!


Aiden laughs at my response, "It's a compliment. Now come on, we should go somewhere more quiet since you insist I don't know you."

Wait what?!

Before I know what was happening, Aiden is tugging me towards the front of the house where the staircase is located.

It is only when I bump to an intoxicated blonde that I realize where exactly he is taking me and what he meant by "go somewhere more quiet."

As we reach the top of the stairs, I pull at my arm he is holding to grab his attention.

From my sudden movement, he turns around. "You good?" he asks with a look of worry.

It's just for show Ron, he doesn't care. He just wants to get in your pant. So, fucking run!

"I think I-I'm just gonna find my friend. I should get back before he starts to worry." My voice is quiet and soft, just in case he starts lashing out. You never know with men like him. If they don't get what they want, things could get ugly.

Of course he retaliates. "We'll just talk, I promise. No funny business." He brings his hands up towards is head as a sign of defense and promise. "Just give me thirty minutes to get to know you. Please?"

Fuck, how the hell are you supposed to resist that beautiful face when he is practically begging you. Ughh. "Just thirty minutes?" I repeat.

Knowing I was basically agreeing, he smiles slightly "Yes, I promise I just want to talk."

Letting out a soft sigh, I lift my hand up, silently asking him to take my hand again. Is this a bad idea? Probably. Am I gonna regret this? Maybe. But does that matter when an angel is standing less than a foot away from you? Absolutely not.

Taking a hold of my hand once again, Aiden restarts his journey towards the end of the hall. From what I could see, the majority of the rooms were closed, more than likely indicating that it is being occupied by drunk and hormonal people.

Aiden has to practically knocks on every door just to make sure we don't walk in on them doing their thing. When we hear no answer from the second to last door from the end of the hall, he opens the door slowly and has a quick look around while still grasping my hand in his.

After his quick survey of the room, he turns the lights on and looks back to me, "it's clear."

I follow him into the room and look around. It isn't the biggest, only consisting of a bed at the far end of the room, some bedside tables, and a dresser opposite of the bed.

While I was looking around the plain room, Aiden has gone to open up the curtains on the windows, allowing some of the moonlight to envelope the areas the light didn't.

Feeling his stare on my back, I turn around to notice he is already sitting leaning against the headboard of the bed.

When we make eye contact, he doesn't speak, but rather just pats the empty space next to him, asking me to come sit with him.

Taking my time, I make my way up to the top of the bed, leaving a good foot between us both.

I can see that he notices the amount of space I leave but doesn't mention anything, thankfully. However, he does move to grab my right hand and starts to play with the rings I have on before opening his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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