Chapter Thirteen

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''She has to be close'' Toni said, after listening to Cheryl's cries for help.

The group followed close behind Toni as they reach the river.

''Look, there is something on the other side of the river'' Fangs said, pointing to the faint light coming from the within  the woods. Everyone looked at the river. Even without touching it, they knew the water was freezing cold. That didn't stop Toni though. Nothing could stop her now. She dragged herself through the river as her tired feet got wet and cold.

''Toni get back! You don't even know who are you going to find or what!'' JUghead yelled ''Lets at least make a plan''. None of the friends cared. They just went after Toni, ingoring Jug. 

They were closer to the light now. Their clothes were driping water, their shoes soggy. The shack that was used to kill Jason Blossom was now at their sight. Through the path they saw many footprints, which made them believe they were going the right way.

''Can we make a plan now?'' the most recent serpent asked, while they hid in a bush near the shack.

''We go in and we bring her home'' Toni was determined, already heading out of the bush but she was pulled back in. 

''What if it isn't her? What if she is dead?'' Jughead insisted, trying to get all the options out of the way.

''We kill whoever did that. Whoever crosses our path.'' Toni glared at her friend's eyes. They all got a bit scared about how much she was dedicated to save this girl. However, they found themselves following the pink haired girl. 

''That stupid cunt just wouldn't shut up, I had to do something'' the group had quietly hid again as they saw two men leaving the shack. Toini clutched her hand around the knife.

''The boss won't be happy when he finds out about her bruise.'' the other man stated.

As a bug charged straight for Veronica's arm, she tried to dodge it, accidently pushing everyone out in the open. Gladly they weren't carrying guns, or else they'd be dead.

''Who is there?'' They got their baseball bat ready to swing. Toni made some signs with her hands for SweetPea and Fangs to go to each side of the men whilst she distracted them. The other three were quite surprised they knew so many army signs. 

''I'm sorry'' Toni walked forward, revealing her identity under the moonshine. ''I got lost in the woods and can't find my way out! Will you help me?''

''Put your hands behind your back and kneel facing the other way!'' the pink haired  did what the man told her. As she turned around she knew it was time to charge once she heard:

''Dude be careful, she is a serpent!'' one of them shouted. And that was Toni's queue.

''Serpents now!'' Sudendly SweetPea and Fangs jump out of the shadows and stab the men on the stomach, leaving them to bleed out.

''Not so fast.'' a mysterious man got out of the shack, however he had a gun.

''Look at what we have here, the scooby-doo gang, as the girl who I imagine you are here for used to call you.'' The man chuckled at how ridiculous they looked.

The use of the past tense scared Toni. ''What did you do to her, Claudius Blossom?'' She grabbed her knife and ran to stab the man, only for him to easily turn her around and hold the gun to her head.

''It's sad that we meet under such... Circumstances. But I am happy you know the future most rich man of Riverdale, Greendale and all around, Antoinette Topaz.'' Cheryl's uncle made her name linger in the night. 

''How do you know my name?'' Toni asked, a lot more intimidated now. 

''Cheryl kept saying how you would come save her. And I am surprised a loveless monster like her would even have friends. Nevertheless you made a big mistake. I expected someone to come, but not the serpent queen and her gringo friends. You see I was hoping to torture someone in front of Cheryl, and I am glad I get to do it to someone she was so hopeful to come get her.'' Claudius finaly finished. 

''Let her go!!'' SweetPea charged after him but quickly stopped when he put his finger on the trigger.

''Calm down macho man.'' Soon enough, three more man where arrived, prepared to fight.

''Tie them up boys. I'll take care of pinky here.'' The Blossom man turned around with Toni still stuck in his grip, towards the shack. When they got inside the shack the small girl was pushed down the stairs, only to fall next to a passed out redhead.She quickly hugged Cheryl, anger building in her chest.

''How sweet. Too bad you are both going to die.'' the bad man said.

''I won't let you hurt anymore.'' Toni stated as she got up and pushed Claudius down the few steps. Trying to find his balance again, he let go of his gun, luckily for the small girl, the game was flipped over.

''Don't be silly, you won't do anything with that gun. You might be a serpent but you are still an innocent little girl.'' He tried to get into Toni's mind, but it wouldn't work. Toni was blinded with anger, this man had hurt the girl she loved, and she wouldn't tolerate that. 

Before she could pull the trigger she felt a hand touch her shoulder, and the person she most wanted to save was suddendly getting the gun from the hand.

''Cheryl...'' Toni whispered. ''I have to do it, I have to protect you.'' 

''I want to do it.'' The soft yet dry voice replied. 

Between the exchange of words of the two girls, Claudius managed to get the gun bqack form the girl's hands. 

''You are so dumb it actually hurts me. I can't believe we share last names, Cheryl.'' He was about to pull the trigger until Sweetpea stormed in, breaking the doorin front of him, making Claudius fall down the stairs and lose the gun again. Cheryl got a tight grip on it this time. Everything turned slow motion as her thoughts and actions floated in her head. Someone actually came to get her. Someone cared. Yet this was her battle to put an end to. This was not only going to end the living nightmare she has been having for the longest time, but it also meant that she was now safe, in the arms of her beloved. Tears ran down her pale face.  

''Cheryl wait- dont'' Many voices filled her ears, people ran towards her, she saw lifeless bodies outside of the place she was kept. 

She pulled the trigger. And time stopped. 

It was over now. She was safe. Toni was safe. She was happy. 

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