Chapter Sixteen

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The two girls slept until the day after, tightly in each other's embrace. Toni held Cheryl in her arms in a very protective way. 

As the sun shinned down on Toni's face, which made her wake up. She looks around, finding a pool of red hair occuping the other half of the bed. Trying not to wake up the other girl, she rotates her body to check her phone, receiving a tired mumble.

'' 5:30 am. Wow, we slept a whole day'' Toni read the big amount of texts and calls she had missed during a slumber.

SweetPea: ''Hey Tiny, walked by your trailer but you weren't there. Hope you got laid! Anyways, text FP when see this, he is worried about you.'' Toni smiled at her phone.

Fangs: ''Hey gurl where you @? Hope you are okay <3'' 

Jughead: ''If you need to vent about what happened give me a call'' Toni smiled bright at the messages, happy that her family is so caring,even if they looked like intimidating gang members they were really sweet. Topaz started to text FP letting him know she slept over at Cheryl's and that she was okay. As soon as she hit sent, slender arms wrapped around her skinny body.

''Stop socializing and give me attention'' a raspy yet familiar voice said.

''Aren't you a needy little girl'' Toni turned around to face her girlfriend and kissed her. ''You should probably check yours too. It must be blowing up with texts.''

''For now, I only care about you.'' Cheryl smiled, kissing Toni passionetly. ''Did you sleep well?''

''Heavenly, this bed is much more comfortable than the couch at my trailer.''  Toni stretched, smiling. 

''You sleep in a couch? Wait. You live in a trailer?'' Cheryl was quite surprised. She knew Jughead lived in those condictions but she didn't expect Toni to do too.

''Only a few serpents are lucky enough to sleep at motels. Most of us live at the trailer park on in tents. Me, Fangs and Sweetpea share a trailer, and I stay in the couch'' Toni opened up about her situation, hoping that Cheryl wouldn't think any less of her.

''Well now you have me. And you can crash whenever you want.'' The Blossom smiled wide and hugged Toni. ''Lets have breakfast!'' Cheryl got up, for a second forgetting that both the girls had slept naked. Toni didn't complain, she had a perfect view of Cheryl's amazing ass. She noticed her neck and inner thighs were overwhelmed with hickeys, which made the serpent smirk. When the redhead also noticed this she blushed deeply,her cheeks almost the sahde of her hair.

''Damn it Cha Cha! These will be impossible to hide!'' Cheryl pouted and put on some clothes. Toni also got up but she was facing the other way, not looking at the Blossom. 

''Would you let me borrow some of your clothes? Mine are dirty.'' The pink haired girl was blushing at her own indecency. ''Also I had to mark Cheryl Bombshell as my own, in case anyone tried something with you.'' Toni said with a more serious tone that made Cheryl turn around, only to be met with her girlfriend's back, full of scratches and cuts. Cheryl laughed at the view.

''Right, I'll get you some clothes.'' The Blossom got Toni some plaid pijamas, still giggling under her breath.

''What's so funny?'' The small girl asked, finally getting dressed.

''Don't worry about it. Just, if anyone asks, I have a very violent cat.'' Cheryl smiled brightly at the other girl. 

''What do you me- Ouch! what the-'' Toni had now realized what Cheryl meant when she felt a sharp pain and burning sensation coming from her back. The small girl rolled her eyes. ''Lets just go eat, please.''

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