Chapter Eighteen

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It was only 7 pm but the music from the bar was already blasting, and could be heard from a few meters away. The last time Cheryl was at the Whyte Wyrm it was to teach Nick St. Claire a lesson, and it was also when she was kidnapped by her now dead uncle. Although it was different now, the redhead couldn't help but feel nervous. Toni soon realized that once her girlfriend's hand wrapped tightly around hers.

''We got you. No need to worry.'' The Serpent gave her a reassuring smile and Cheryl let go a little.

Once they entered the bar, they were instantly met with a cloud of fog, along with the smell of ciggarettes. That made Cheryl cough a bit since she was not used to this kind of atmosphere.

''Smells like home.'' Toni admitted. Cheryl did acknowledge the fact that some of Toni's clothes smelled faintly like the bar, which made it easier to get used to.

Inside the establishment, a lot of people wearing the so well known leather jackets were playing pool or at the bar, drinking and smoking. Some younger Serpents played on arcade games, laughing loudly when a friend lost. This could be a gang's bar but the ambience was welcoming and relaxing. Cheryl could definitely get used to it. The pink haired girl led the new comer to the back of the bar, where they storage their drinks and unused furniture. Soon enough, FP met them with a welcoming smile.

''Welcome back Toni, how have you been?'' The King Serpent asked, hugging Toni softly. 

''I'm good. Been taking care of Cheryl, you heard what happened right?'' Toni had a precious smile on. The redhead could see that the relationship between the two Serpents was strong and trustworthy.

''I did. I'm happy you took Jug and the other two with you. And of course, Cheryl, I am also glad you are okay. Sorry about your mother.'' FP told Cheryl. She searched for pity or any kind of mean or hurtful tone to his voice, but all she could hear was sympathy.

''It is better this way. Now I am safe with Nana. Toni takes good care of us.'' The Blossom made an effort to hold back any cold or mean comment. FP Jones was certainly the person she held the most grudge against, but for Toni she would try extra hard. The Serpent girl quickly picked up on that, and retrieved the kindness with a hug.

''Now get to work you. And Cheryl, feel free to hang out. We don't bite.'' FP left with a wink, which made Toni roll her eyes.

The two girls made their way out of the back of the bar. Toni headed behind the counter, telling some other girl that she could take a break.

''Please have a sit. May I treat you to a drink?'' Toni asked, giving Cheryl a flirtatious look. ''How does a blueberry and lime Margarita sound?'' 

''Perfect.'' The redhead sat down, a few stools away from the rest of the more normal looking costumers. While Toni made her drink, a couple men tried to inquire what a ''cheerleading hottie'' was doing in a place like that, but the Serpent girl quickly pushed them off, threatning to cut them. By the look at the men' eyes, it was quite clear that they knew she would actually hurt them.

''Here you go. So what is a pretty northsider doing at this dangerous place all by herself?'' Toni leaned over the counter, reaveling a bit of her cleavage to the girl in front of her, giving her her drink.

''Well you know. I was feeling a bit daring and wanted to piss my parents off, maybe by hooking up with a hot Serpent.'' Cheryl seductively took the small straw between her red painted lips, biting it lightly. That action alone was driving Toni slightly insane. ''Damn this is good!'' the girls sitting down said after taking a sip of her drink.

''What can I say, many years in the business.'' Toni smiled and started to clean up the counter.

''So Toni Topaz, I feel like I know very little of you.'' Cheryl had a questioning tone on her voice. It was persuasive and staright to the point.

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