Sweet Serial Killer || Prologue

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"Once you care about someone it rules you."


(Vivienne's POV)

Lanky, awkward, mysterious, with so much emotion hidden behind those big blue eyes. The way he talks is articulate, his manner is sincere and careful. He's emotional and sensitive, sort of odd qualities to find in a man his age. He mostly keeps to himself but he isn't exactly shy. His name is Norman Bates and he is oddly beautiful, a somehow perfect imperfection in the fabric of existence. Or at least, that is how I see him. He is so very odd, and it is the oddness that I like, it attracts me to him, like a gravitational pull. I love the fact that he is different because I too am very odd and different. I know what it's like to simply exist on the outer edges of everyone else's life, to be looked at and never seen.

It's a strange feeling being fully in love with someone you hardly know. It gives you inner peace yet it ties your guts in knots, it's like a tranquil storm, a beautiful pain.

He's all I have and I truly love him even if he doesn't feel the same about me. The circumstances under which we met may have been shrouded in darkness, but he is the only light I've ever know. I owe him life and I'll do anything for him.


I could never do anything right, when I decided to kill myself I couldn't even do that right. 

The plan was to drown myself. Simple, easy, relatively painless. The perfect way to end it, I thought. But after the first breath of ice cold water starts to fill my lungs, I chicken out. I swim to the surface, but I'm too tired to swim any further, I know it won't be long before I could no longer keep my head above the water. I had taken too much water to turn back, so I do the only thing I can. I scream for help until my throat feels raw.

Just as I start to sink and accept that I'm going to die I feel someone grab ahold of me around my waist with one arm. They pull me to the surface, I take in several much-needed breaths of air. I struggle a little still a bit freaked out.

"Stop it!" I hear him scream shakily. "Stop it. Let me help you." His tone softer this time. I relax and let him drag me to the shore. I lay back, he plops down on the ground next to me obviously exhausted. He takes deep breaths, his chest heaving with each, using the palm of his hand he brushes his wet dark brown hair back out of his eyes.

I look over at him as he lays on his back staring at the sky, "Lucky you were around to hear me."

"Why were you out there?" He questions after a moment of silence.

"I wanted to kill myself but I chickened out at the last second." He just stares at me. "It's better to blunt than to lie, don't you think?" I explain why I was so blatant about trying to kill myself.

He looks me dead in the eyes, "You must be in an incredible amount of pain. And you must be very lonely to try that." His blue eyes search mine.

"I am." I don't think I would have admitted that to anyone else, but the words just fell out with him. "And thank you, not only for saving me but for not looking at me like I'm some kind of freak."

He almost seems confused by my statement. "Feeling pain just makes you human. It doesn't make you a freak." He is being genuine, he really believes what he's telling me. He speaks softly, sounding wiser, having more emotion, and being more sensitive to what I told than anyone I had ever known. I've never met someone who thinks or speaks like he does before. And this draws my interest immediately.

"I'm Vivienne Sharpe, by the way," I say feeling incredibly awkward while doing so, my heart thuds in my chest. I can't be this excited over someone I just met. Then again, maybe it's not excitement, maybe it's just leftover adrenaline causing me to feel this way.

"Norman. Norman Bates." He stands, "I don't think anyone should have to feel alone... So you know, if you ever need someone to talk to you can talk to me," he pauses, "I understand that I'm a stranger and you have no reason to do so, but you can trust me," he looks sincere in his statement. "I won't judge you," he hurriedly adds.

"We're going to be good friends. I can tell already," I smile at him. My words seem to catch him off guard. He stares at me, his face showing no expression whatsoever.

He doesn't say anything, taking my hand he helps me to my feet. Finally, he nods and says, "Well, maybe we will." His smile ever-widening, "You seem like a very nice girl."


Written|| 5/9/18
Published || 5/21/18
Count || 846 words, 4332 characters


Sweet Serial Killer || A Norman Bates Fanfiction
Bates Motel || Season 5
Norman Bates || Freddie Highmore
Genres || Fanfiction, Dark Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Dark Romance, Romance, Thriller, Suspense
©BiersacksKitten || Hayley Rose Crimson


*I am not great at updating but I'll try to update as often as I can. I love writing but sometimes things get in the way of it.

||| ⚠ Rating 17+ || Will contain; Cussing, Violence/Blood/Gore, Smut/Sexual Themes/Sexual Scenes, Suggestive Dialog, Murder, Kidnapping, Descriptions/Discussions of Mental Illness, Dark themes. |||

I should warn that there may be:

~Self-harm/mentions of self-harm
~Suicide/mentions of suicide~Abuse/mentions of abuse
~Sexual assault/mentions of sexual assault (no detailed scenes of)
~Incest/mentions of incest

Please be cautious when reading if any of these subjects could be potential triggers. Also, just because something is included in my story, doesn't mean I support it. Please don't take anything in this story too seriously as it is a work of fiction. Thank you for reading.


I do not own any characters from Bates Motel. Nor do I own any plotlines used directly from the show.
I only own my original characters, their stories, and the original twists I've added to Bates Motel's plotlines.


Author's Note;

I wasn't sure if I should actually write this, but I have several chapters written already and I hit publish by mistake so I'll take that as a hint that I should write this.
I hope you enjoy the story,
~xoxo, Hayley

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