Sweet Serial Killer || Chapter One

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(Norman's POV)

When I see how Vivienne is shaking I take her back to our home, so she can change out of her sopping wet things at least. I don't want her to see Mother, but what else can I do? I can't let the poor girl freeze.

I open the door and motion for her to go inside, I follow closely behind her. 

She looks around wide-eyed, "Wow, do you live in this beautiful, big house all by yourself?"

I pause a moment, then nod, "Yes, I did live here with my mother, but she... Died."

"I'm so sorry, Norman." She looks directly at me, "I shouldn't have been so nosy."

I shake my head, "You couldn't have known, Vivienne," I start to lead her up the stairs, "And it's okay, it been over a year since it happened." I turn to her halfway up the steps, "It's just very hard to let go of the people you love the most."

"I wouldn't know anything about that. I have no one who cares about me, and so I don't care about anyone." She shrugs. "You know, that sounded a lot more pathetic and heartless than I thought it would," she laughs nervously.

"Don't be ridiculous, you can't very well control how other's treated you." I clear my throat, "You responded the only way you could, they shut you off, you shut them off."

"You make everything sound so simple." She sighs, "I wish life could be that simple."

"You know you're lucky in a way not having anyone to love or lose," we stand outside Mother's room, "It's hard to be lonely. But it's also hard to love people. I think that that's the trap."

A puzzled look crosses her face, "Trap?"

"Yes. The little private trap that everyone lives in. You need people, but that need can destroy us. Once you care about someone it rules you. And who even knows at the end of the day if that person is who you really think they are? Or if they're even real at all?"

She looks at me solemnly, "I think that's a very wise way to look at things."

I look into the room. So far so good. I haven't seen her yet. I wonder where Mother's hiding? Probably the basement.

"Wait here, okay," I tell her before rushing into the room. Earlier I had packed away most of Mother's dresses, I threw them into a box, I told her they were old and I'd get her new ones.

I hand her the box, "Okay, Vivienne. These are some of my mother's old dresses. They should fit you. Just take whichever you like best."

She laughs, "I'm not much of a dress kinda girl. I like jeans and band tees."

"I'm afraid I don't have any those lying around."

Her face falls flat, "No, don't get the wrong idea, I'm very grateful, for everything you've done for me. I was just...You know, mentioning it. I didn't mean to be rude or anything."

"No, it's okay. I... I didn't think you were being rude." I can't help but notice how tight her wet clothes clung to her body. And what a perfect body it is. She is very attractive, with long, shiny black hair, bright emerald green eyes. Full, perfectly kissable lips...

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