1. It's Just a Dream...

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" Do you know, I wants to go around the world, especially in South Korea" a lovely little girl with braid hairs talking to the guys she loves in front of the same school uniform.

"Hmmmm ..." He answered as his legs continue to move toward the school they are learning.

"The reason, I want to go South Korea because I want to see a Sakura in the autumn and the winter of Jeju Island which is famous for its romantic." Sura said a lot with excitement but she did not expect him to say anything but a short response, and that's because of his personality has been around since then.

Wake up from a dream like this she should be happy, but she sat and cried alone in her bedroom.

"Why did I see this images every single time?" Sura sat up and let her tears drop and its became a habit.

"When will I forget him, he has been gone for a few years and I still can not forget." It was so painful if I still missed him alone.

"Stop crying, and I have to start a life because he has his own happiness now." Sura always told herself to be happy because he is happy with his own dreams, so she has to have her own dream and do what she want to do. 

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