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Perfection. It’s what most people strive for. Unfortunately, one of those people were my parents for I, Serena Valentine, was going to study abroad in small town in England called Cheshire. I’m a 17-year-old American high school student currently on summer vacation.  Well I wouldn’t call it a vacation since I was going to be attending a university somewhere in Cheshire. The UK education system is bit weird for me. Here in America, the majority age of a high school graduate is 18, while in the UK it is 16 but somehow it’s at least 12 years of school for both of the systems. A thing like this makes me wonder if I’m truly “gifted and bright.”  

There were just some moments when I just want to punch my parents in the face. They already have my life planned out for me. They want me to graduate as Valedictorian, attend Yale, and become a doctor. I didn’t want to yell about how much I disagree with their “dream” for the consequence was being kicked out of my own home and also because of my innocent younger sister. I didn’t want to set a bad example. After all, most children express the saying, “Monkey see. Monkey do.”

Inside this girl wearing linen shirts and long, pleated skirts is a girl that wants to wear some leather, lace and some ripped jeans. Anything that screams rock n’ roll, I will follow. No one really knows about my taste in music and style. Where I come from is a world full of snobby people who think that they are so much better than everyone else and must have a good reputation. It’s all about the money. Who has it? Who does not? Every single damn thing has to deal with money! My suitors were based on their family’s income. I’m constantly surrounded by shallow people. I know my parents want the best for me but I just wanted an escape to find out the real me. The only thing that I agreed with my parents about is England.

Here’s what I knew.  I will be attending a university in Cheshire for their summer program that gives students an experience about life as a college student in the UK. I won’t be living in a dorm but live with a married couple in Holmes Chapel, which I heard is a small town in Cheshire.

Maybe, it’ll be nice I thought as I packed my belongings that night.

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