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Uke reader x Craig (Dream Daddy) long wait I know. School got me fucked up this is a 🍋. Ya pervs. I know I'm one of y'all pervs.


You were filled with regret. As you tried to lift yourself with your aching muscles. Sweat running down your face and onto the floor. You had only agreed to workout today because you wanted to see Craig's muscular body covered in sweat. Not to mention all the flexing.

Not wanting to seem like a weakling, you got up and started running on the treadmill again. Your legs aching with each movement, your lungs burning and your shirt stained with even more sweat. You look over to see Craig busy on the Bench press. The way his muscles flexed had you mesmerised. It took all of your self control to not get a boner right then and there.

Swallowing your spit you turned away. Face burning red when you couldn't control your own urged. In that moment you failed to realize that Craig was walking towards you. He got a  mischievous look in his eyes as he spotted *your problem*. (if you know what I mean.)

He got behind you wrapping one arm around your waist and the other travelled down palming your erection. You let out a suprised gasp and gripped the handles of the treadmill. (which is now off)

"Craig-" you were cut off by him putting his hand over your mouth and grinding into your ass.

"Bro ssshhhh. You wouldn't want anyone else to hear you now?"

All you could do is let out a muffled moan as he slipped a hand down your pants. One hand still on your mouth keeping you quiet, the other pulling your pants down just under your ass. Your erection out in the open now.

Looking around you noticed that there was no one around. You let out a mental sigh of relief, thanking whatever luck you had left. You then looked up as you felt something hard pressed against your entrance. You let out a soft and muffled moan as Craig slowly pushed in, your breath hitched and your face growing red all the way up to your ears.

Craig too your hands and put them over your mouth.

"Keep them there" you did as you were told and tried to keep yourself as quiet as possible.

Craig put his hands on your hips and started at a steady pace. Your eyes were closed tight and your hands were still over your mouth. You were trying so hard not to scream out for Craig to fuck you so hard you couldn't walk right the next day.

Craig put his face onto your shoulder and was panting into your ear. His hot breath sending shivers down your spine. He had moved his right hand up under your shirt and was twisting and pulling your nipple. Craig getting bored at the pace pulled you up onto him and started to pound your ass numb. Your hands had fallen off your mouth and you let out a loud moan. Craig quickly put his hand infront of your mouth again. Your hands were now gripping his arms. You were lifted off the ground and slammed onto the treadmill's control board. Your pants were now completely off of your body and on the floor somewhere.

Craig then bit into your shoulder as he was going as fast as he could. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he was nailing your prostate dead on. Each thrust bringing the both of you closer to release. You had small tears of pleasure streaming down your face as your legs began to shake.

"(M/n) I'm about to cum"

Craig groaned as he gripped your hips to the point were you knew was going to be bruised. All you could do is let out a weak muffled moan as you tensed up and came onto the treadmill. You clenching around Craig made him slam into you ass deep as he could and came. You let out one last quite moan as you felt his cum spill into you.

Craig pulled out seeing that you were passed out, smiled to himself and cleaned the treadmill and picked you up and carried you to his house. He knew you were going to complain tomorrow about 2 things.1. your sore muscles. 2. Your sore ass. But it was worth it.


So what y'all mofos think.? I know it's late. But ya know life. So hope you enjoyed it, if you didn't then.....well shit.
Remember to request sometimes. And I love all you fabulously perverted people.

 And I love all you fabulously perverted people

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