【Снαρтeя ❷】aisuaisubebi

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My walk home has always been quiet. No laughing children, no barking dogs, not even birds. But now, that's changed. No more, was I living in the peaceful, quiet, mountain. No, I was living in a neighborhood now. And oh! How horrible this is—all this noise is giving me a headache. Correction, making my headache worse. By the time I reached the neighborhood, my head had already been pounding from the street vendors, cars, lively chatter from fellow citizens.

Sadly, the sun hasn't set yet.. so no getting any help from Libra—it'll have to be darker out. I began to mumble, "Stupid city.. stupid neighborhood.. stupid everything!.." kicking some rocks away. By the time I reached home, all I wanted to do was sleep. Sleep until this dumb headache is gone.

Unlocking and opening the front door, I yelled, "MOM!! I'm back! With those groceries and whatever!..." No response—great—she's probably off doing God knows what. Trudging to the kitchen, I saw a note. It read,

"Need to attend to very important business.
Will be back in couple days @ the least.
Help yourself to food & whatever.


Great! I don't even know how to function like a normal member of society in my bedroom. Oh well. Guess I'll do what I always do in my room.. after I put away this stuff.

And so, I quickly put away and sorted all the groceries mom had me buy. Sighing, I went to my bedroom upstairs. Once I did that, I lowered the AC temperature to 35 degrees Fahreinheit. My mom never understood why I like it so cold. In my opinion, it's very calming and relaxing. Soothing. I guess... it could somewhat have to do with my quirk, it relating to outer space—but who knows? I've never even left the planet Earth.

Inside my bedroom, the lights were dimmed—enough so I could still see, yet also enough so that it felt like nighttime. I just flopped down onto my bed, took out my my phone, and logged onto Kasei—or as it's more recognized as, Mars. (Basically my own lil' version of Discord.. the names below are all courtesy of the unreliable google translate oof)

I had 15 unread DMs. Before reading those, I read up on my missed chat history on a couple different servers (which didn't take too long). Turning to my DMs, I saw they were from Aisuaisubebi (Aisu; Ice Ice Baby), Shinku (Crimson), Zappizappu (Zap; Zappy zap), Watashi wa Surudoi Meinudesu (Tashi; I'm an Edgy Bitch), and Betsu no Bakuhatsu Shita Konpyuta (Baku; Another Exploded Computer).

I first checked with Baku. It was just some pictures comparing computers—opinions on which one would be more "explosion-proof." I picked the sturdiest looking one—though, I don't think it'll make a difference.. I only met Baku about 5 months ago. In that amount of time, he's gone through 68 computers—not including the one he broke yesterday and not including repairs. The one he broke yesterday is currently being looked at, but judging by how messed up it looked, it probably is gone for good.

I then checked Tashi. She was asking me about a game I have, and whether or not it's worth buying. I quickly sent my opinion and went on to take a look at Zap. He apparently got a bunch of duplicates in the last packages of Pokémon cards he got, and was wondering if I was interested. I obviously was—since he had hella good Pokémon.

Shinku, was just wondering what time I'd be able to play tonight. I replied, "Sorry.. got a pounding headache from my walk home... if I end up waking up later tonight and it's gone, then maybe?" I doubted it though, I sleep like a rock (at least—when I do end up sleeping). Aisu had sent the minority of my missed DMs. I lightly tapped his name, opening up the DM.

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