Chapter Five: How could things get worse?

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Elle added faith to GirlSquad




Sammy: FAITH

FAITH: hey guyss

Elle: she's back bitches

Keri: guysssss 😫😫

Sammy: what?

B: what's wrong?

Keri: tomorrow's Monday😫😩

Gracie: shit I still have homework

Faith: I don't want to go 😔😔

Elle: it'll be okay faith

Faith: idk liv already hated me... It's all gonna get worse.

Sammy: she will have to go though us first

B: it'll be okay, okay?

Faith: alright

Keri: it's getting late I gtg night guys

Gracie: See you in the AM

Sammy: night my dudes

B: omg Sammy stopppp lol G'night

Faith: bye

The next week went just as expected for faith. Liv told everyone about how faith tried stealing Derek and how she's stupid enough to to give a complete stranger her phone number. She even said she had to get a new phone because this "Andy" guy had her number. Everyone laughed at faith. She did her best to ignore them but it didn't always work. She would always text in the road trip group chat to keep her mind off it but it didn't always work. At home wasn't any better either. Her parents always arguing about who they think faith should live with. About the debt they are both in. About how stupid each other are for marrying the other. It was too much for faith. She often came home and went straight to her room. Locked the door and played music loudly. She wouldn't even come out for dinner. She only ate lunch because her friends would make her. But even then she would only eat an apple or something small. She was just too emotionally drained to care about anything. She's started doing bad stuff. Stuff that the boys would be ashamed of her for. She's listened to a few of their songs, they're really good. Don't hurt yourself is her favorite. Though she didint listen to their advise. She now has scars all over her. She started on her upper thigh because it wouldn't be noticeable. Every day she spoke to RoadTrip they made her genuinely happy. If only they didn't live three thousand miles away...

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