Chapter Seven: Rumors and Worry

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Morning came and she thought things were okay. It was Sunday and she needed to head home bright and early and her mom saw her walk in.
"Where were you?" She asked Faith
"I stayed over belle's"
"Were... were you drinking?" Her mom asked angry
"No uh me and belle had to pick Keri up from a party last night, she spilt her drink on me, mom it was nothing"
"Do you think I'm stupid?" She was asked by her mom
"Wha- no I never-"
"You really think I'd believe that excuse? Your a mess, your hair, you stink of alcohol, your clothes aren't even what you would wear to a sleep over." She said angry
"Mom plea-"
"Your grounded, and I want your phone"
"I left it at Gracie's, in her sweatshirt"
"Bull give me your bag then"
"Mom it's not-" she tried to resist but her mom pulled her bag outta her hands and grabbed her phone
"Two months, now go"
And there it was. She had lost everything. Or though she thought. That Sunday she spent cleaning her room and reading books. Unable to talk to any body. But without her knowing things were getting worse by the minuet.

Monday rolled around and still no phone, unable to text Mikey, or any of the boys for that matter. They must be worried sick. She thought actually they probably haven't even realized , no one ever does. She woke up, showered and put on some leggings and a big sweatshirt, throwing her hair in a cute ponytail. She walked outside and no one was there. Usually Monday's Gracie would pick her up, I guess something came up. She got on the bus and everyone starred at her. She didint know why, she ignored it. She walked through the school doors and it was like one of those moments in a high school chick flick where everyone stops and stairs at the weird girl. She walked to her locker quickly and sees Gracie on the way.
"Hey where were you this morning?" Faith asked
Gracie just walked away
Next Sammy saw her "Hey Sammy" faith said catching up to her "what's up with Gracie"
"I uh, really gotta get to class" Sammy walked away
Liv then walked right up to Faith and pushed her on the ground "what a mistake did he make... good in bed but not open about it hu.... what about all those scars you hide?" Liv yelled Faith was so confused "you little attention whore" Faith got up and ran to the girls bathroom. There was one girl in there. Then her phone went off. Faith took her phone and saw what they all meant. On a stupid app someone published an article saying that "after the party faith and Derek had sex and she basically begged him for it and now she's Acting like he doesn't even exist. Not to mention the fact that this crazy psycho is an attention whore who cuts her thy's for attention."
That's it. Her life is over. Everyone hates her.
She gave her phone back and ran out of the school. She ran home knowing her mom had gone to a meeting with her divorce lawyer. Faith went into her parents room found her phone in her mother jewelry box turned it on and all the texted came flooding in. Random numbers.

689-268-2567"Crazy psycho"
268-686-7791"Attention whore"
345-218-9700"Sex user"
557-322-5687"Gotta beg 😂🤣"
676-454-0855"Little slut"
685-974-4857"Come beg me🍆😮"
596-568-5719 "boyfriend stealer"
Then she saw the ones she needed
Mikey: are you okay?
Mikey: you never texted me
Mikey: I told the boys
Mikey: we're all scared
Andy: why did the girls remove you from the chat?
Andy: is everything okay with them?
Andy: what happened?
Andy: they're talking about you why?
Brooklyn: Faith answer us
Brooklyn missed call  X26
Andy missed call X17
Mikey missed call X50
Jack: FAITH WHAT Hppenex
Jack: happened
Rye: Who do I have to kill?
Rye: answer the boys!!

Faith didint know what to do. There was only one thing she could do. She packed a bag. Some clothes, her charger, some money her parents had in a safe, she grabbed some snacks, water bottles. And she walked out of her house. She walked and walked and walked till her feet couldn't carry her. She ended up at a park three town over, that's when she texted the boys back....

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