Chapter Nine: Mikey.

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The next day faith didint go to school. She woke up got all ready even started walking. Then it hit her. Everyone hates her, the people she trusted, the ones she kept close to her. No one wants to associate themselves with her. All she has is five weird ass strangers that live over three thousand miles away
What could she do? 

Mikey: hey I know you said everyone hated you and you feel so alone. I just hope you know you can tell me anything.

I got this text and it made things seem "okay. Not the "okay" as in I'm tired of school and wanna go home, but the okay, maybe I have a reason to be here...

Faith: can I call you?

Mikey: yeah, rye went to the gym, brook and Andy went to get breakfast. And jacks asleep.

Faith clicked on his contact and called him (on the call)

M: hey

F: hey

M: what's wrong we're you crying?

F: kinda... and now I'm late for school

M: hey, it's okay, school will be there tomorrow

F: I need to tell you what happened, I can't tell anyone else, and neither can you, not even the boys okay?

M: what happened?

F: you need to promise

M: I can't do that faith, I care about you and so does the boys if your life is at risk they deserve to know, I'm sorry.

F: fine but no one else! And please please don't get mad

M: never.

Faith: okay...

Faith explained it all to Mikey, from the party to the article and her parents. All of it

M: I'm sorry faith! Really. I wish I could just walk up to that guy and punch him, and all your friends that left you.

F: the worst part is I coulnt even go to school today because I got so physically sick from my anxiety.

M: I'm sorry love. Can I ask you one question

F: sure...

M: why did you think I'd get mad at you?

F: because I'm such a screw up, and because I self harm and because I'm telling you all my stupid problems-

M: faith, first off I could never get mad at you, next your not a screw up, third you never need to apologize for talking to me, I want to be here for you. And I get it, You think you don't deserve what you have and people tell you these toxic things and they get to your head so you start to believe them, and you hurt yourself. It's not okay but I get it. Just faith please you don't need to listen to them. They don't know you like I do, like the boys do, you have a beautiful soul and it needs to stay pure. Please I'm just asking you to try, try to get better, no matter what it takes. Get clean for one day, then make it two, set a goal make the goal five and do better stay clean for ten. You can do it faith, I believe in you. And I'm so so proud of how strong you've been.

M: faith.... you there?

F: yeah I'm sorry I- thank you
She said through sobs. She's  had no one to go to with these problems. No one knew about her self harm. Now everyone knows it feels good to know that someone cares

M: the boys and I, we care, we will always be here for you

F: I can never thank you enough.

They stayed on call for a little while longer then the jack woke up and the boys came home and took the phone from Mikey. They were all messing around and kept steeling the phone from each other, that helped faith, she kept laughing. Finally Mikey got the phone back and managed to lock himself in the bathroom

M: before we disconnect, I wanted to ask you something.

F: yeah?
She said stoping her laughter

M: I just want to know genuinely would you mind if I told the boys what you told me? If you don't want me to it's okay but I just felt the need to ask.

F: no, uh don't tell them please, I feel like I need to tell them, but it needs to be the right time.

M: okay, if you change your mind tell me, then I'll let them know

F: thanks mikey, for understanding

M: what are best friends for

F: I got to go, but thanks so much for listing to me, and thank the boys for making me laugh.

M: they would all say yourwelcome and thanks for putting up with us. Haha

F: okay bye Mikey!

M: bye faith

Then they hung up the phone,

Faith sat for a minuet looking in the mirror at her scars and at her red face, she thought, sure ninety percent of humanity knew her secrets, and lies that have been spread, but that ninety percent doesn't matter, only six people in this whole world matters right this minuet, five of them lived three thousand miles away, and the sixth person was storing her back. That alone made her want to live. To continue her life.

The next day she got up really early and went for a run, she cleared her head and decided to go to school today

Okayyy so I think this is all that I have but if you guys want I'll try to write more and find a good way to end it without completely ruining the story. Lmk.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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