Introduction and Artwork Credits

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Thank you for choosing to browse my Anthologie.

The cover art for the Revenge of Feidre Drummond is a drawing by Margaret Keene, and I found by Googling 'waifish child art'. All credit to her work is given directly to her, I claim none of it.
I highly recommend you check her out, if you're only here to discover who the artist of my cover was.
I used Wattpad covers for the title, author and editor names. Thanks, Wattpad!

The other photos in the Revenge of Feidre Drummond are also Google searches, and Pinterest finds. If you're interested, I can create a board of the art, and share it with those of you who wish to browse more similar art there.

Feidre Drummond is the only completed story so far in my Anthologie, but no fear, I will soon add to the Anthologie, and I intend to expand all content in the Anthologie into full length novels, so please do not copy and steal my work. Thank you!

The Revenge of Feidre Drummond is not a gentle, happy story. There is a happy ending, but the idea behind Feidre Drummond is realistic historical fiction, not purely historical fiction of the romance genre and Western action novel type.

Feidre Drummond a dark story of rape, loss, and vigilante justice. If you came looking for a happy, uplifting story, I am sorry, and please tell me what was so misleading about my cover and blurb, so I can change it to reflect the contents. The story does have hopeful and bright facets, but on the whole, this one is not for readers who are under 18, or those who are sensitive to descriptions of pain and violence, and prolonged torment.

The Revenge of Feidre Drummond will be from part 2 to part 5, and the next introduction of the next story in the Anthologie will follow, in part 6.

I will add the description to the blurb and the book parts as I add the new content to the the Anthologie.

And last, but not least, thanks to Filip Baranec. You're a lifesaver and a hero, and buddy, that combination is hard to find. Love, E.

 My Anthologie. The Revenge of Feidre Drummond COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now