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In the dead of night, you cover you mouth in despair 

Afraid of what poison might escape from your lips 

The thoughts overwhelming, pounding against your skull

Taking over you actions, just taking your all 

Your reflex kicks in, 

You want to scream

But nothing and know-one can know anything 

So you take a deep breath

You try to relax 

Until your breathing is normal at last

The thoughts are now silent, 

You skull left with bruises 

But there no longer there to worsen you blueness 

You survived one more night, as you do again 

For this fight isn't over

You'll fight to the end 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 



Hope that all of you have been have a great couple months! 

So sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I have had tons of school and other personal/family things that I have needed to deal with. 

(If you have any ideas on what I should write about just let me know, would love to hear your ideas!) 

*Vote, Comment, Follow  and all that Jazz*


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