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"Why would we want to help her", Pearl said gesturing towards Jasper, "She tried to destroy us". "Yeah but can you blame her", Amethyst said, "If I'd immerged early I'd probably be in the same situation". "She has a point", Garnet said I her monotone voice. "But- she- ugh". "Pearl I'm starting to think I injected you far to close to the sea", Turquoise said, "Perhaps the salt really has affected your character". At that everyone burst into laughter, even Jasper who has remained as quiet as any quartz soldier could ever get. "I-", Pearl started. "Ok Pearl that's enough", Garnet cut her off, "Perhaps if someone who is not Turquoise", giving a knowing look to the gem, "Or Steven both of which are too kindhearted". "I'll watch her", Pearl said quickly. "Ofcourse you will", Turquoise grumbled.

They had gone about their days teaching Jasper who still remained sullen. She kept saying she was sorry over and over again even after they said she was forgiven, well all except Pearl ofcourse. One day their questions were answered.

"Pearl she said she was sorry", Garnet said, "You've been watching her you should better". "But she shattered so many gems", Pearl argued, "How can you just forgive her". "She was and still is sincere", Garnet stressed, "Can't you tell or are you blinded by your spite". "I'm not blinded", she said defiantly, "It is you who is blinded". "That's just harsh Pearl", Amethyst said placing her hand on the pearl's shoulder. She shook her hand off, "What if she's secretly reporting to Yellow Diamond or even White". "Don't jump to-", Garnet said. "I'm not jumping to conclusions", Pearl practically screamed. "Pearl!?", Turquoise shook her, "Calm down". "No I-". "That's enough".

The voice had come from Jon other than Jasper. "I know you don't trust me but give me a chance", she pleaded, "I was just frustrated the diamond I served had been shattered leaving me at the mercy of the other diamonds who aren't as compassionate". "She made sure that all her gems immerged", she continued, "If they didn't she kept a close watch on them". "Ofcourse I was angry with the Rebellion I did not understand why you'd want to save a minor planet". "All I ask is tgat you give me chance please I'm begging you". You didn't often hear Jasper bearing her heart out like this almost as rare as hearing her beg. "Please do this for me", Turquoise pleaded, "She will be loyal I can feel it". All eyes were on Pearl if she didn't agree the team would not be efficient, they would be ridiculously outmatched. Then Pearl made her decision.

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