Volume 3

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Tack woke up in pure bliss. Eyes fluttering open, he realized that he definitely wasn't in Kansas anymore. He jolted up in surprise and fear. An exotic woman hugged him, trying to soothe him and stroking his back. As soon as their eyes met, he remembered everything.

W-what is going on? Where am I?

The woman forced Tack gently down onto some of the softest fabrics he had ever felt. She started to speak slowly.

This is Najida. You fainted so I took you back to my home. I hope that it becomes yours too. Your things are all here in this tent. There is a change of clothes that you might find more comfortable in the desert. I will hopefully see you at dinner tonight.

"Well she was serious about bringing me home,"

was the first thought crossing Tack's mind. He took a moment to look around. It looked like a palace with all of its rich fabrics and gold. His tools looked out of place with the contrast there. Even the clothing that was in here was much finer than what he had ever worn. Delicate blues and silvers winded around the vest and harem pants. After feeling the fabric, he gingerly tried it on. He walked over to the tent to the right of his. He walked in and asked Najida,

Um where can I find a place to take a bath?

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