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"what the hell makes you think I'd let you go to Mexico with James?!"

"MUM it's not just him! it's with his family"

"I don't care Alex, a holiday is just too much right now, I can't afford to pay for you to go. I mean, if it was the whole family, we'd all benefit. The world doesn't revolve around you". She had this stern look on her face, but also helpless.

I stormed out the room passing by the kitchen grabbing a bag of crisps and heading up to my room.

I mean, this isn't just a holiday, it's Rose's dying wish, I shouldn't say dying because that's bad but it is. I care for James and Rose and I know mum only said no because we haven't been going out long and single mother blah blah.

It's just pissed me off.

I plugged in my earphones and listened to my favourite band, they always get my mind off things.

I guess I fell asleep because I woke to vibrations, James was calling

"hey, you didn't reply to my text"

"hu..oh hey James"

"wait..were you sleeping"

"uh yeah i fell asleep, sorry"

"it's fine, I wanted to know if you asked your mum about Mexico yet"

"ughhh James, i'm really annoyed I really w-"

"you can't go can you?" I could hear the disappointment in his voice

"listen, I'm gonna find a way to work this out, the only issue is money right now and-"

"Alex, it's paid for?"

"what" like what, how, why didn't he mention it.

"God, I'm such an idiot" he looked down and started face palming over and over. "How could I possibly forget to tell you about the money. Yeah you know 'make a wish'? they grant you a wish" "no shit", "well rose's was to go to mexico, and they pay for everything, the travel, the hotel, everything apart from shopping I think."

I stared at James dumbfounded at how he could leave out the biggest detail, the main reason of me not being able to come.

"THIS IS EVERYTHING I NEEDED, I've got to speak to mum I have to, I'll call you back or whatever I gotta go"

and with that I hung up and ran around my room freaking the shit out. I'd tell her tomorrow, she's probably in a bad mood from earlier and I don't want to pile on all the news, parents have to slowly process things otherwise they'll have a nervous breakdown.

~~~~~~~~~~ next day ~~~~~~~~~~

I got ready for school, I never really eat breakfast so I always take snacks for lessons where I secretly eat. "Morning" my mum said dressed in her work clothes

"Morning" "hmm you sound a lot more cheery than you did yesterday" "yeah" I smiled "i'll tell you about that later" I said grabbing my bag and heading out the door.

I plugged in my earphones and decided i'd walk to school today, it's kinda nice walking through cold autumny weather, the air is always crisp and cool.

I walked into the gates and into the form room where I met Aaron, my very first friend in Pensworth.

"whatsup" I greeted him plopping my bag down and sitting in my seat behind him

"mornaaang alex, don't you look fine in the mornings" he smiled cheekily

I looked pretty casual but made an effort with my makeup.

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