Chapter One

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Chapter 1

Hayley's POV


A lot of things are black. Like the sky at night. Or a black cat.

But that's all I saw when i heard those 4 words leave my dad's mouth.

"You're going to treatment."

I didn't really know how to react. How do you react to that? That's like telling someone that they're going somewhere far away, where you're forced to eat and sleep, and they check your wrists and thighs and stomach everyday just so you can't self harm.

It's like hell for fucked up people, like me. Well that's what I heard my mom call me yesterday when she found my stash of razors and laxatives yesterday under my bed. There's no way I could lie out of this like I lie my way out of eating, or swimming.

I usually blame it on the stuff I'm allergic to. Like peanuts, or milk-I'm lactose intolerant. Which means if I eat anything with nuts in it I break out in hives and can't breathe.

Or if I have anything with dairy in it my stomach feels like someone punched it. But I've been beat up multiple times because I'm no ordinary 11 year old. I'm a Demi Lovato obsessed 11 year old with the same struggles she struggled with. But the thing is that she's so much stronger than I will ever be.

"Hayley come on! We're leaving!" My 16 year old "perfect" sister yelled. Her name is Amanda.

My parents are obsessed with her, I mean who wouldn't be?! She's perfect.

She has perfect big brown eyes with perfectly tanned skin and blonde hair.


I have golden hair with green eyes and my skin is tanned also, but the thing that makes her perfect is the fact that she's skinny and tall. Me? I'm fat, well in my eyes. And freckles cover my nose and cheeks. My dad called them the dots that make me uglier.

Yeah, my dad wasn't nice to me. But he never ever laid a hand on my sister. Me? Only when he came home drunk. But I was used to it. Sure, that didn't make it right but I didn't really have a choice.

I stomped down the stairs and got in the car, not saying a word to anyone because I hate them all right now.

Ironically I was going to Timberline Knolls, where Demi went. That didn't make it better though, I was still going to a treatment at 11.

My dad and mom got in the front seats while Amanda sat next to me, and started using her iPhone. Typical. I was too young for a phone-in my dads mind.

I looked out the window as tears started rolling down my face. It's my fault. I ruined my own life.

You did. If you just hid your stuff better you would be happy with us.

My demons screamed at me.

An hour later we got to Timberline Knolls. I grabbed my suitcases and walked in.

"Bye, we aren't coming back for you ever so find somewhere else to live." My dad yelled out the window as I walked away from it.

Tears welled my eyes as I walked into the building. The receptionist looked at me ad I saw shock written all over her face.

Well I was really young to be here.

"Hi sweetie whats your name?" She asked looking at me

"H-Hayley Simon." I hiccuped looking up at her. She towered over me, she was like 5'6. Me? I was only about 4'8. And i was 50 lbs.

"What are you doing here sweetie?" She asked bending down to my level and wiped awaymy tears.

"My-my family left me here, they said they checked me in online." I cried. She went back behind her desk and typed something in.

"Oh yeah, you're here. Follow me to your room! You're roommate is probably in there somewhere.She's 21." The receptionist said taking me to the room.

Demi's POV

My mom sent me back to Timberline because I relapsed. I was willing to go because I just wanteed to get better.

I heard I was getting a roommate today,which is exciting because I won't be alone and I have someone to vent to and cry to when I needed to.

Mindy, the receptionist at the front desk, walked in and shut the door.

"Dem, she's 11. Your roommate. And her family abandoned her after they dropped her off, so be there for her when she's crying. Because she needs it." Mindy said opening the door for my new roommate.

She was so cute. And gorgeous. She had these big green eyes and golden brown hair. She was so skinny though. It was saddening to look at her.

"Hi sweetheart. I'm Demi." I said looking at her. She was frozen. I looked in her hand and saw she had a folder with my face on it. Aw a fan.

I got up off my bed and bent to her height. She was short. Considering the fact that I'm really short and I had to bend down for her.

I took her hands in mine.

"Hey I'm still a person. I wanna be friends. Do you think we could be friends?" I asked moving a piece of hair behind her ear and looked into her eyes. A smile plastered her face as she looked at me.

"It'd be an honor to be friends with you." She said.

I smiled at her and engulfed her in a hug. I felt all her little bones through her tank top.

"I know it seems like it's gonna be hell, but it's not that bad if you listen, I promise you." I said walking her to her bed. I picked up her suitcase and put it on the nightstand. I'll help her unpack later.

"Well, what's your name?" I asked as she sat on her bed, across from mine.

"I'm Hayley and I'm eleven." She said

"It's so very nice to meet you Hayley." I said

I saw tears well her eyes. Poor baby. Her family left her.At 11.

"Hayley listen to me, I will do anything for you. I'll take care of you. You're gonna be okay." I said walking over to her and reached out for her hand.

"Ready to tackle food?" I asked taking her hand. Panic etched her features. I rubbed my thumb over her tiny hand.

"It'll be okay. I promise."I said walking her into the cafeteria

A/N Hey guys! How do you like the new book so far? Idk if I like it or not ahahha.


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