Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

Hayley's POV

I woke up wrapped in Demi's arms. I turned towards her and saw she was still sleeping. I have to pee. I struggled out of Demi's strong ass grip. But she just tightened her arms around me and put her hand on my mouth.

"Shh bedtime." Demi said falling back asleep.

"Dem I have to pee." I said. She just pulled me more into her warm embrace.

"I don't care, you're warm and so comfy." She mumbled

"I'll just pee on you." I told her. She huffed and let me go.

"Party pooper." Demi mumbled grabbing my pillow and snuggling into it. She may be 21 but she sure doesn't act like it.

I ran into the bathroom, almost peeing my pants. I peed and went back into the room, and saw Demi sound asleep with my pillow wrapped in her arms.I swear she's at most 6 at heart.

"Demi! Wake up! Give me my pillow!" I ran up to her and grabbed my pillow fromher arms.

"Heey!"She said grabbing my waist and pulling me into the bed with her.

"Demi! We have to get up soon! As much as I don't want to go, breakfast is in 20 minutes." I whined trying to get out of her death grip, which she tightened everytime I struggled to get out of  it.

"Well, you're eating." She mumbled into my hair.

Too soon for my liking, a nurse came in saying breakfast was in the cafeteria. I whined as Demi lifted me up and went to the cafeteria, much to my protest.

"If you eat and listen to what they say, you'll get out of here sooner Hayl." She said placing me on the ground and walking inot line. Today they made pancakes and bacon, my least favorite food.

"Come on Hayley." She said taking my hand and dragging me behind her in line.

Soon enough it was my turn and the lady gave me a strip of bacon and two pancakes. I followed Demi back to a table and sat next to her. I knew if I didn't eat, they would punish me like they did last time.

I reluctantly cut the pancake and shoved it in my mouth, it was like eating was foreign to me, like I didn't know how properly.

Asif Demi knew what I was thinking, she grabbed my hand and rubbed it.

"I believe in you." She said with a weak smile. As if that gave me strength, I started eating more and I finished breakfast.

After breakfast we went back into our room and got ready for our group therapy, my least favorite. You just sit in a big circle and talk about your problems, which I hate doing. I mean who would want to know my story? Wow my parents ditched me, but I deserved it. I was far from perfect.

"Come on Hayl, lets go to group and talk there then we can talk just the two of us here, since I know you hate talking in the group, even though it'll do you good." Demi said dragging me into the room.

Everyones eyes were on us as we walked to our usual spots and sat down.

Soon enough group was over and Demi and I went back into our room. She shut the door and sat on my bed and stared at me.

"Hmm?" I asked looking up at her

"Talk to me, I know you have a lot on your mind, and I know you have a lot going on, more than you say. So just talk to me, it won't leave this room, and you know that. Trust me." She said as she sat down next to me and wrapped her arm around me.

"I'm scared. I'm only 11. With no parents. Where am I gonna go after this? Will I even have a home? What if I go to an orphanage?" I told her looking down at my hands.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm here. I'm never leaving you. If anything then I'll adopt you. No one deserves to be treated the way you were. I'll show you how a parent should treat their child." She said pulling me into a hug. I sniffled and looked up at her

"You have no idea how much this means to me." I told her

"And it means more to me." She said ruffling my hair.

A/n I'm so so SO incredibly sorry for the wait. School starts in a week and I had to focus on that and I just came back from vacation so I haven't had a lot of free time to write, so I'm sorry.

And I can't believe Demi's 22. I remember little 15 year old Demi in Camp Rock ugh.

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