Chapter 2 (re-uploaded)

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Chapter 2

Hayley's POV

Demi and I walked into the cafeteria. Her arms were wrapped around me. I felt loved, which was foreign to me.

Don't get attached. She will leave you like everyone else

My demons screamed at me. I knew they were right too. I can't get too attached because I will end up getting hurt, And Demi is famous, so why would she want a fucked up friend like me?

"C'mon Hayl, eat for me." Demi said, I didn't even realize there was a plate in front of me. I sighed and picked up the fork and shoved a bunch of fatty mashed potatoes in my mouth.

Why the hell would they give you mashed potatoes in treatment? Don't they know that it's a trigger food for many people, like me?

If you don't know what a trigger food is, it's a specific food that causes overeating where control is lost. Usually I binge mashed potatoes and other stuff and purge right after, but considering the fact that I am being watched like a hawk by more than one person, purging was out of the question.

I took one more bite.

"Okay, I'm done." I said pushing the full plate of food away.

"No you're not, you're gonna finish that." A male nurse said walking over to me

"Please, don't make me." I said as a lone tear rolled down my face and landed onto the table.

"I'll help her, you can go." Demi said to the nurse as she scooted closer to me.

"You can do this Hayley, I believe in you. One meal right now won't make you gain weight. I promise. I know how you feel, you feel like the whole world is against you. But I'm not, I'm on your side. All you have to do is pick up your fork and prove all these nurses wrong. Show them how strong you are." Demi whispered in my ear. I nodded and picked up the fork.

"Good girl. Show them how strong you are." She said rubbing my forearm.

I finished half.

"I can't do it. I physically can't do it. I'm so uncomfortably full." I said pushing the plate away.

"I'm proud of you." Demi said hugging me. I hugged her back, like I said this feeling was foreign. I'm so used to going through stuff alone, now that there's someone in my life who wants to help me is something that I'm not used to.

"You have to finish that." The same nurse as before said, as he walked up to us.

"Please, I'm so full. I finsihed half of it. That's progress. Please don't make me finish this." I begged as tears bubbled in my eyes.

"No. You have to finish that." He said strictly. What the hell? Dude at least have some remorse.

"She finished half of it. She has an eating disorder, cut her some slack." Demi said

"No, I see you finished your meal, so go back to your room." He said to Demi

"No, please, don't make her go. She's the only hope I have." I begged, my voice cracking.

"No, you need to learn how to do stuff on your own." He said.

"She's 11. Her parents abandoned her, at least pretend you have some remorse. Don't act like a complete asshole who doesn't care about peoples feelings." Demi said.

"Go back to your room." He said, with his teeth clenched. Demi squeezed my hand lightly as she left.

"Now, finish that and you can go back to your room." He barked. I nodded as tears rolled freely down my face.

I quickly finished it and ran into my room. Demi was sitting on her bed

"D-Demi." I sobbed as she came off her bed and lifted me up and put her in her lap.

"it's okay, it's okay. You're so strong. You're gonna get through this. I promise." She said running her hands through my hair.

I started feeling a panic attack coming along.

"Hayley, you need to calm down, you're gonna hurt yourself. Copy my breathing." She said breathing in and out. I started copying her. I couldn't calm down.

"You'll pass out if you don't calm down. You need to calm down baby girl. In and out in and out." Demi said.

I breathed like she said and it worked, I started calming down.

"Count to 20 with me ok?"

I nodded as we counted to 20.

"Ok, good job." She said kissing my forehead as I calmed down.

We heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." Demi said

"Group therapy time." Mindy said as she entered the room. I stood up, to be thrown onto Demi's back.

"Put me down I'm gonna crush you!" I said

"No you won't!" Demi said walking into the room with me still on her back. She walked over to where two seats were open and placed me next to her.

"Hey guys, my name is Erika, and I'll be your councillor for the time that each of you are here. Lets start with introducing ourselves, say your name, how old you are, why you're here and something interesting about you." She said smiling. Her smile already made me sick. She was too happy for my liking.

Before I knew it we were up to Demi and I was next.

"Well, I'm Demi and I'm 21. And I'm here because of self harm and my interesting fact is I've been here before for an eating disorder, slef harm and substance abuse, I just relapsed and I wanted to be back to how I was before so I asked my mom idf I could come back and she said yes." Demi said

"Okay, you're turn sweetie." Erika said looking at me

"M-My name is Hayley, and I'm 11. I'm here for an eating disorder and self harm, and an interesting thing about me is when I get released from here I will have no one to look after me because my parents ditched me because I was too fucked up for their liking." I said as I felt tears roll down my face. Demi quickly grabbed my hand and ran her thumb over it.

Group session ended and now it was time for bed.

"Goodnight Hayley." Demi said

"Night Dem." I said rolling over and faced the wall.

1 AM and I'm still up. I rolled over and looked at Demi and saw her eyes were open and staring at me.

"Holy shit Demi, you just scared the fuck out of me." I said

"Can't sleep either?" Demi asked. I shook my head

"Come here." She said lifting up her blanket as I came and got into the bed with her. She wrapped her arrms around me as I slowly but surely drifted off into a much needed sleep.

A/N HIII idk when I can update again cause my birthday is MONDAYY. And then I'm going to the beach. Maybe next week idk. But ily guys.

If you have any ideas message meeee

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