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Waiting for 6 o'clock was agonizing. (Y/N) had an alarm set on her phone. The moment it went off she grabbed all her things and ran out of her room, stopping only to grab her backpack off the counter.

"Woah, slow down tiger." (Y/N)'s mom slowed her down, "Where are you going in such a rush?"

"Mr. Delmars, I just need to start my homework." (Y/N) explained.

"I've never seen you so excited to do homework, why you have a friend coming? A boy?" She guessed, (Y/N) hesitated and swallowed, "A boy! Is he cute? Oh, I'm going in tonight sooner than I thought. It's okay, I won't embarrass you."

"Mom, seriously don't. Please. He's the like the first friend I made at school, I don't want him to think I'm lame already." (Y/N) begged, knowing she couldn't kick her mom out of her own work.

"I won't, what did I say?" Her mom said, flicking her eyes down to her shoes, "You better clean those shoes off before your dad gets home. And your dad's not going to be happy if he finds out you're out with a boy late."

"K." (Y/N) shrugged, looking at the dirt that's piled up on her shoes.

"I'm serious." Her mom said, putting her hands on the table, "Look, I know that since your dad and I ended our separation it's been hard for you. Especially with the move, this new apartment, new school... but he is trying. For the first time in a long time. Please just-"

"I get it, mom." (Y/N) said, giving her a half smile and shrugging the other strap of her backpack on.

"Sometimes it doesn't seem like you do." Mrs. (Y/LN) said.

"I'm gonna go do my homework." She walked past her and left the apartment.

Running down the steps she made loud thuds. She really honestly didn't like her dad as much as she wanted to. She was glad that her parents got back together, another step next having a normal life. But it never felt right now that it has happened, he was angrier now than when she remembered. She got to Mr. Delmars soon after, since it was just across the street.

"Miss. (Y/L/N), glad you could make it. Where's your mother?" Mr. Delmar welcomed her.

"She's coming down soon." (Y/N) responded, putting her stuff at a table with 2 chairs.

"Good. I need to tell her about Mr. Parker that came in with you today." Mr. Delmar laughed.

"She already figured it out." (Y/N) said, her face going red.

"Parents always know, I know my daughters got a crush on someone before she even shuts the door. That's how I knew the moment I saw you two walking past my window." Mr. Delmar said, proud of himself.

"How long have you known him?" (Y/N) asked.

"Long enough to know you deserve better." Mr. Delmar said leaning on his counter, "Mr. Parker's a great kid, but these past few months the kids gotten cocky, never focuses on anything. But what do I know? I just make his lunch every day."

"Is it okay that I invited him to help me do my homework later?" (Y/N) asked, a little disappointed in the answer to her last question.

"As long as the two of you aren't touching at all, and I'm hearing homework talk." Mr. Delmar huffed and went back to cleaning.

"You got it." (Y/N) huffed, not that she would touch Peter, she'd be way to scared for that.

Starting her calculus homework, (Y/N) found herself in a trance. Thinking about Peter. She couldn't help herself, trying her best to snap out of it because she had only known him a day. Barely. Like 3/4 of a day.

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