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Peter was ready, checking his hair one last time in the passenger side mirror as him, Aunt May, and Ned stopped outside the party that was Peter's nightmare. He took a deep breath, pulling on his sleeves and his collar and anything to correct before he got out of that car.

 "House party in the suburbs. Oh, I remember these." Aunt May flashed a knowing look, "Kind of jealous."

 "It'll be a night to remember." Ned said, his voice projecting a ping of anxiety.

 "Ned, some hats wear men. You wear that hat." Aunt May turned in her chair to lighten the mood. Ned perked up at the compliment. 

 "Yeah, it gives me confidence." 

 Just then, a motorcycle roared down the dimly lit suburban street. Peter watched as the guy got off first, then assisted to his partner in taking off her helmet. It was (Y/N). Of course it was (Y/N).

  A motorcycle? Peter thought to himself in shame, I can't beat a motorcycle!

 "This is a mistake." Peter shuddered, turning to Aunt May, "Hey, let's just go home."

 "Oh, Peter. I know. I know it's really hard..." Aunt May tried to assess the situation, "...trying to fit in with all the changes your body's going through. It's flowering now." Peter looked away, debating if he just launched himself out of the car could he get hit by one and die? "He's so stressed out lately." 

 "What helps with stress is a party." Ned pushed Peter's shoulder in urgency, "We should go to the party." 

 "—Yeah, let's do it. I'm gonna go." Peter says, opening the door after deciding anything was better than telling May he had a crush. 

 "Peter" May calls, Peter ducks his head back into the doorway, "Have fun, okay?" 

 "Okay. I will." Peter nods, shutting the door.

 "Bye, May." Ned waves until they can't see the car anymore, "Dude, you have the suit, right?"  

 "Yeah." Peter rolled his sleeve up to show his web shooters. 

 "This is gonna change our lives." Ned sounded like he was going to pee himself with excitement.

 "DJ Flash." Played during the remix over the speakers, over the tens of voices that amplified around the house and got louder as Ned and Peter opened up the door. Peter's first business was to see where you were.

 "Okay." Ned planned out, "We're gonna have Spider-Man swing in, say you guys are tight, and I get a fist bump or one of those half bro-hugs."

 "Oh, my gosh. Hey, guys." Liz suddenly appeared after Peter was too busy searching for you to respond, "Cool hat, Ned."

  "Hi, Liz." Ned smiled.

  "Hi, Liz." Peter couldn't believe that she was talking to them right now.

 "I'm so happy you guys came. There's pizza and drinks. Help yourself." Liz put a hand on her hip and smiled sweetly. But Peter's eye was caught elsewhere. 

 "What a great party." Peter said, a little distracted.

 "Thanks." Liz said, then a sound of glass breaking cut through the crowd, "Oh, I-- My parents will kill me if anything's broken. I gotta—"

 "Yeah." Peter said, already 8 steps ahead of where he was. 

 "Have fun." Liz left in the other direction."  

 "Bye." Peter said, lost in the fact that Josephs arm was on the wall behind (Y/N), just hovering over her shoulders. He was waiting for Joseph to slip up. He had his webshooters, maybe he could just— 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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