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  "You got bit by a spider?" Ned asked as he and Peter walked towards the Deli Shop on their way to the subway station. Secretly Peter detoured just to see if (Y/N) might be outside her apartment. Last night he was able to send a DM to her Instagram, in a desperate attempt to tell (Y/N) why he couldn't go last night and that he saw her on the news and wished he would've been there with her. But she didn't respond. He understood, it was late and she was busy.

 It was hard for him to separate himself like this, he did see her. He literally saved her from that closet and she talked about how much she supported Spiderman on the news but she couldn't know it was him and real him looked like a dick for ditching her. This was confusing.

 "The spiders dead, Ned." Peter sighed, noticing his best friend was still going on about the spider that bit him. Readjusting his books in his hands since he didn't have a backpack anymore, they came up to the horrific sight of the Deli Shop. It looked so much worse in the daylight.

 "Woah." Ned stopped, Peter stopped too, replaying last nights events in his head last night. He wanted to know what he could've done better, "You were here?"

 "Yeah." Peter swallowed. 

 "You could've died." Ned finally realized, as cool as Peter's powers were, he is so much more in danger than ever before.

 "So could've (Y/N)." Peter whispered, looking up at her apartment building that was next to them. He wondered which one was her window. Not that he wanted to look at her changing or anything creepy, he still just worried about her.

  "Do you lay eggs?" Ned asked randomly, breaking any tension.

 "What? No-o." Peter chuckled, thinking of how ridiculous that would be.

 "Hey!" A female voice called from up above, "You losers going to school?"

 Peter looked up to see (Y/N) with a bit of bed head on the second story of the apartment complex. This was exactly what Peter wanted, but unfortunately, now he was extremely nervous about seeing her since he had officially decided he'd have a bit of a crush on her.

 "Yeah! You wanna walk with us?" Ned asked. She looked back into her window and then back down.

 "I think I'm gonna be late today. After being in a burning building I think I deserve it." (Y/N) called down, "I also have to think of a better way to phrase than the Avengers blew up my homework."

 "Th-that's funny." Peter said, quieter than he thought.

 "That's a good enough excuse for me. Lunch then?" Ned asked for the both of them.

 "Yeah, I'll come at Lunch." She said, "See you then."

 "See you!" Ned waved.

 "See you then." Peter said after she had shut her window. He had no idea where the confidence in his body went.

 "Dude, you can fight off 4 bank robbers and save people from burning buildings but you can't talk to girls." Ned made fun of Peter.

 "Shut up.."

 Peter could barely get himself through the first half of school that day. Only feeling cooler as the news segment all about (Y/N)'s heroic night with Spiderman and she wasn't even here to get the street cred yet. 

 He felt himself get more and more anxiety thinking about talking to her as Peter now and about having held her so close to him and she had no idea. Bouncing his leg and trying his best to take good notes so he could give them to (Y/N). It was made especially hard with Ned in his ear the whole day. 

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