Chapter 10 » Two More Days

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-Briella's POV-

Jack and a very angry Anthony went back to their homes in Connecticut and Boston last night. The only thing that made it easier to say goodbye to them was the fact that tomorrow was Friday - the day before Prom.

There was still one, week of school left. I reminded myself that as I (literally) dragged myself out of bed. The chilly air hit my body; I had only slept in underwear and a large tee last night. It was much comfier that way, in my opinion. Some people would say that it's weird, but I sleep with my door locked and no one's ever home, anyways. 

When I clicked the shuffle button in my music application, the first song to play was Not On Drugs by Tove Lo. I danced around a bit in my underwear as I picked out my outfit. I was going for the 'casual' look today: distressed, light-wash jeggings, a cropped, maroon tank, and white converse. It was better than my usual sweatpants and v-neck, but not too over-the-top. My makeup was simple, with just a few swipes of mascara.

I grabbed my bag before heading downstairs and swiping a couple of strawberries from the refrigerator. After that, I headed out the front door and down to the subway with my head phones in my ears.

As the subway pulled up, I made it my job to ignore Bianca, Lindsay, and Sarah. I wouldn't let them get to me. Not today. I was still a bit giddy from my day with Jack yesterday, and I wouldn't let anyone ruin that.

I blocked out their snickers with my music, avoiding their glares by looking out the window for the entire ride.

When I arrive at the high school, I take my headphones out and place my iPhone in my bag as I make my way to my locker. I keep my head down low, hoping to avoid everyone today and just go unnoticed.

Quickly, I grab my books from my locker and head to homeroom. 

In the science room, Bianca sat with Lindsay; Sarah had geometry first period. When they saw me walk into the room, they immediately stopped their conversation and laughed.

What was their problem with me? Why did they hate me so much? I'm a good fucking person; I deserve happiness. Don't I?

As I rush out of homeroom, tears threaten to spill from my eyes. Jesus, Briella. What happened to keeping it together?

 I quickly make my way to the bathroom just down the hall. Whipping out my phone, I shoot a text to Jack.

Briella: ik theres only one day until prom but i need to see u now... im losing it :/

Within seconds, I get a reply.

Jack: its going to be alright, bri. theres just one more day until you're in my arms again. take the day off, you deserve it.

I thank him and take his advice. I do deserve it. After all of the shit I've been through, I just need a stress-free day at home. 

Making my way around the school, I dodge the security cameras - a skill that I've acquired over the few years at this school. When I reach the back door of the school - the one with no cameras - I slip out and begin my walk home.

It isn't a long walk, but it sure is a hot one. The music playing from my phone makes the time pass faster, but instead of going straight home, I stop at the little frozen yogurt shop near my school. I scarf down the strawberry yogurt before heading back onto the crowded streets of Manhattan.

Yet again, my house was empty. I kicked my shoes off before plopping down onto the huge couch. Soon enough, I'm lost in an episode of Catfish - this show never seemed to amaze me. Beside me, my phone chimes and I tear my gaze from the TV screen. It was Jack.


"Hey, Bri. I just wanted to check up on you. Are you okay?" He sounded genuinely concerned.

"Jeez, you sound like my mother," I teased.

"Why, because I care about you? You seemed pretty upset earlier."

"I'm okay now. Don't worry."

"Alright, well I have to get back to class. See you tomorrow."

With that, he hangs up the phone. I'm glad that he cares about me, but I can take care of myself. For Christ's sake, I'm seventeen years old and I've grown up without parents - I knew how to handle myself.

It was undeniable, though, that I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow. Bianca and the Crew had no idea that I was even going to prom - the looks on their faces will be absolutely priceless. 

I couldn't wait.


hey, guys! I hope you liked this chapter!

Please, please, please, comment and vote! 

I hope you guys don't care that I don't really have a set schedule for my updates. I write when I have the inspiration/motivation!

love ya, babes


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