(A Zadr fanfic) Bruises and Bitemarks

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                Fists are flying, blood is splattering, voices are shrieking; I’d say the two are at it once more. Why are they in such a violent dispute? Only God himself knows why. The big headed boy says a small remark that sets off the green one then suddenly they’re wrestling each other on the ground with someone trying to strangle the other.

                No matter how physical they got, however, they never fought to the death. Hell, what would one of them do without the other? Dib’s entire life is (or was) devoted to exposing Zim to the world and Zim has always found Dib a good subject to screw with; the other humans couldn’t compare to Dib’s amusing nature.


                “STAY AWAY FROM ZIIIIIIIM!” the teen alien exclaimed with a sharply pointed finger at Dib whose nose was leaking thick red liquids.

                Dib has taken a very nasty beating; he’s really pissed off Zim this time. The left lens on his newly replaced glasses was shattered once more by the “almighty” Zim. Although, not by his fist. The crazy being from the galaxies was throwing large chunks from the pavement at poor Dib’s face. He managed to get a few hits to the groin, as well. But after Zim quit his rock tossing, he eventually made a more manly move and got a good kick at Dib’s nose; it became not so manly after his own kick swooped his entire body with his leg causing him to land right on his now sore rear.

                Zim has also gotten himself roughed up by the enemy. Though, most of it was all caused by his self. While chucking the pavement, Zim threw out his arm and later on, as you know, hurt his own behind. But every once and while, Dib got Zim here and there. His knuckles turned a dark purple after striking the alien in multiple places.

                Even though Zim was getting worn out, Dib did not see the fight as over just yet. He charged quickly at the quivering, weak green blob and right before Dib planted a good one in the smack center of his face-- 

                “NO! AAAH! STOP!” Zim begged desperately, hands shielding his face.

                Something in Dib made him freeze; turn into stone almost. Zim has never asked anything of anyone before, none the less begged. He liked Zim begging like that. He felt powerful and right there, he declared this war his victory.

                Dib’s skinny arms shot up in the air as he screamed. “Yes! I’ve beaten you once again, alien scum!”

                Waiting for Zim to assert some kind of nonsense speech, Dib stood still. Zim collapsed to his knees and shivered like a vibrating phone. So what this was his enemy, Dib still had a heart. He forced himself to outstretch an arm to the broken down object before him but didn’t keep it there long when Zim didn’t take his hand. A small gesture won’t work, Dib thought.

                He knelt down in front of Zim and tried to get him to look up but the alien kept his head low and his body hunched over.

                “Zim…” Dib said, trying not to hint any emotion but couldn’t help but sound sympathetic and upset.

                Slowly, the creature, with no earthly emotions, who refuses to show affectedness, that is self-taught to not have feelings, looked up with watery tears dripping from his fake human eyes, burning his pale green flesh.

                “You- you’ve hurt Zim enough... That’s it. I don’t like this anymore, earth worm…” Zim squeaked.

                Dib still kept completely still, unable to unglue his brown eyes from sobbing Zim. Maybe he is right, Dib thought. Maybe the fighting should end once and for all.

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