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[important a/n at the end.]


Although i was broken, i needed to be happy. I need to be put back together so that i won't break and hit rock bottom again.

Why did i gave cheol another chance you ask? It is becayse minghao and mingyu's conversation got me to realize this.

there is no love when there is no trust.

I kept repeating than in my mind. I meed tp trust seungcheol that he would change. He also said he didn't meant those words he said, that he was just drunk.

He kissed me on the cheek too, it made me blush and think about the memories we had. They were precious to be forgotten.

"hey, junnie are you still there."i heard wonwoo in the other side of the door, i heard seungcheol sighed and smiled at me. It sent signal in me to talk to wonwoo about this.

I opned the door amd his smile frowned when he saw seungcheol. He looked at me and smiled.

"i need to tell you something." wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows. I grabbed his 2 hands and tried to smile wide. I could feel him tense up a bit.

"what is it junnie? you can tell me everything." his sweet arms touched my cheeks and i held it and smiled at him. I could see in my peripheral vision that cheol stood up.

"i gave cheol another chance." wonwoo surprisingly smiled and cupped my face.

"i know eventually you would. I know i don't have the right to be jealous. And yeah i said jealous, i like you alot jun. And if it does not go well i will be here for you 24/7" he smiled at me and let go of my face and kissed my forhead. He reached for the door and say goodbye.

I looked behind on cheol and he was holsing a towel. He put in my for head and wiped it gently.

"what are you doing hyung?" he sighed and wiped it again and used the alcohol on the nightstand.

"germs." i raised a brow. Really germs? He eats a hell of junkfoods and cares about germs?

"oh really?" i teased and he gave in. "jealousy isn't it" i laughed and he scowl his face before softening it to a smile.

The day went by and chan, jihoon and minghao decided to stay for a bit. Of course their protective boyfriends are here, even wonwoo. They were at the other table

"so you gave him a chance?" minghao said after sipping his coffee. I nodded and everyone gasped. We were like moms gossiping.

"why?" chan shot up and put his coffee down.

"if hansol would say that to you, would you leave him?" i asked and he was cornered with laughter.

"no! He has a huge dick and i won't leave it for that." the rest of us blush and started cringing then sharing a laugh.

"what the? Soonyoung has a bigger one." i blushed even harder, i sipped the water bottle beside me. I thought jihoon would stop chan. I just hope minghao will stop the two.

"oh shut the hell up..." minghao stepped in, thank goodness. "mingyu is taller than your shitheads, his is bigger." i spoke to soon.

"oh god. Seungcheol has a huge freaking dick than your boyfriends." i slapped my mouth and everyone in the room looked at me. I blushed in embarrassment and all of them gasped.

"do i?" seungcheol said making me jump a little. He raised a brow and i blushed harder.

"yeah, i agree mingyu has a small dick." minghao said and mingyu pouted beside him.

"if i have a small dick, why did you choke on it?" minghao blushed and i looked at cheol and he wiggled his eyebrows.

"yeah, i agree. Hansol has no chance on that size." chan said and his boyfriend laughed.

"oh really, is that why you called me daddy when were doing that?" chan widen his eyes and so as jihoon.

"oh god, i couldn't agree more soonyoung's dick is just small." soonyoung laughed.

"like yo-" he was cut off by jihoon.

"don't push it."

We all laughed and have our conversations nice. This time nothing else.

"junnie take care okay, see you at school." wonwoo pecked me on the for head again and smiled. I looked around my back again and saw seungcheol.

He licked his thumb and wiped my forehead.

"germs?" he said and he raised a brow with a smirk.

"yeah with your saliva and god knows who where you put that thumb." he smiled and noded and walked inside.

We sat on the couch and probably have our time together. We watched a movie and i feel my eyes getting heavy in the moment.

"so you think my dick is big?" i shot my eyes wide and blush. I stood up from him and he laughed.

"oh c'mon here, it was just a joke." i settled back to his chest and his heartbeat is fast.

"what size do you think it is?"bhe asked again and i stood up one more time.

"the size that will make me scream daddy." i moaned the last word. I played along his game and his eyed were wide as mine.

"well if that is the case, you are sleeping beside me for the rest of your life." he swept my feet and i hanged my hands on his neck.

After a while we where both on the bed, sp-spooning. I hate that word. But something in me that is bothering my whole senses.

"hey cheol?" he hummed in response as he hugged tighter and burried his face at my back.

"did you meant all the things you said earlier?"

"every single alphabet in the word i said."

(a/n: hey guys so i wipl have to update just here and update the rest this sunday. So if you are from another timezone. This book will be posted on friday and the others on saturday. And the cahncheol book might be out by next week.

So i had this cool idea for another jun centric. It is a junsol one. I watched mean girls before and i was inspired to do this. I even made the prolouge.

Anyways thank you for reading this.)

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