Awakened from death

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Gently just gently i hear voices in the distance.

"No please just a couple more days!" the first person pleads.

"I am sorry sir she has been on life support way past the date it was supposed to, we have to do it now." the second person continues, "You have 10 minuets sir. Again i'm very sorry."

I start to feel a rush of energy and slowly open my eyes to see two blurred people. One walks out of the white looking room, and the other starts to slowly face the wall. My vision becomes clearer and the figure is now standing in front of me smiling. I feel like my body is like a robot waking up because all of my senses come to life. I am in a bed with so many things plugged into me, i can't count and there is a window right by the bed. The man standing in front of me is calling my name, but it sounds so distant. My name is Tris, I was born in abnegation and moved to dauntless. I have a brother named Caleb and all my other family is dead. I am deeply in love with...The man standing in front of me. Tobias. I feel the need to kiss him, but something holds me back. The pain in my shoulder. I think both, but i am so overwhelmed i feel disabled.

"No need to get up, just, just stay right there" Tobias says as he runs out of the room.

He runs back in with the nurse following right behind.

"Sir you might be dreaming no one that has lost that much blood has ever" she is stopped by the sight of me with my eyes open and me smiling at her.

"Well here I am" I say to her.

Throughout the next couple of hours I was tested on and looked at by so many doctors I could not count, to try to find out how I survived. That day I was labeled 'the miracle'.

I was looked after a few days after that before I was allowed to go home. By now I could walk (not very well, but getting there).

After a full day of rehabilitation exercises and stuff like that I was allowed visitors. The next thing I know I see Tobias running towards me covered in tears (I was not allowed to see him during the days i was getting better). He helps me sit up straight in my hospital bed.

"You have no idea how much I missed you, I love you so much do you know that?" He says as soon as I'm fine to sit on my own.

"Yes, now I have been missing your kisses so come here" I say. But before I know it his lips are just faintly touching mine, and I feel safe. After about five minuets of making out we are interrupted by the pain in my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, what did I do?" He asks.

"Nothing, it is just healing that's all"

Just as I began to finish by saying thanks the nurse came in.

"I'm sorry visiting time is now over" she says.

"When can I leave and go home?" I ask eagerly. Tobias whispers something to the nurse and she walks out.

"Actually" he says as he is looking down at the ground. I am nervous I won't get out for a while or, never.

"Please just say it" I say aloud so only he can hear me.

"You actually leave tomorrow morning, and I wanted to ask if maybe" he stops and continues "you wanted to move in with me?" He is still looking at the ground. I slowly move out of bed towards him. My feet are trembling. He slowly looks up with a giant smile on his face. He kinda looks speechless.

"That's a...yes" I nod my head as I respond.

"I'll leave you know to let you get some rest" he says while leaving towards the door.

"Are you happy at all?" I ask

" Oh My God yes I just am so happy just speechless" he says. As he walks out of the room I feel kinda lonely. Until he comes running into the room, the next thing I know his arms are holding me tight and I feel safe again.

The next morning

After I got my bags all packed all I had to do was wait for Tobias. At that moment Tobias comes running in the door all puffed.

"I'm so sorry"

" it's ok let's go" I say as we walk out.

After half an hour my eyes started to get heavy and I dose off.

Tobias's P.O.V

Since I have not told tris where we are going it is a while since we left the hospital. She is now asleep, peaceful. I love it when she is asleep cause I get to watch her be in her dreams. I wonder if I'm ever in her dreams? I hope I am cause she is in mine. I dream about her day and night, and sometimes I feel like I don't deserve someone like Tris. Her beautiful sleepy self lying beside me. All sounds very cliché, but it is true and there is really no other way to say it.

We arrive at my (well ours now) home. She is still asleep so I decide to let her sleep a bit longer while I clean and get her bags inside. I start with the bedroom and then move on to the kitchen. After I get her bags inside and sort them out I am ready to wake her up. I go up to the car and realise she is not in it. I don't get worried I know she is smart so I leave a note near the car saying:

Hey Tris I am inside when you want to come in. You where probably just looking around. Don't go to far. Love you and am cleaning. Ok see you then.

Love Tobias xoxo

Tris's P.O.V

I wake up to find Tobias gone.

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