Chapter 1

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(Y/n) couldn't help but feel slightly anxious as she stood in front of the expensive and rather intimidating doors that led to the party of the RFA. Her dress was uncomfortable, a little too tight around the waist for comfort, and she was cold... the long sleeves of the dress did nothing against the freezing air.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside, straightening her back, attempting to look more confident than she felt. She was immediately greeted by a doorman who smiled at her. "Welcome to the party of the RFA, Miss. We apologise for the lack of members greeting you at the door this year. They are quite busy entertaining the other guests inside."

(Y/n) smiled back. "I understand. It's my first year here. I don't have the last year to compare it to."

The doorman held his arm out to allow her to pass in the direction of the plethora of people talking and waltzing.

"Thank you," she added before she moved on. A sudden fear struck her. Who was she going to socialise with? She knew no one. No one. How could she do her job with no one to talk to?

The people were drawing steadily closer and she pushed down her anxious anticipation. She would find someone. She would.


Yoosung's hands were shaking. Just a little, a slight tremor in the hand, but nonetheless, they were shaking. This whole party reminded him of MC, to the point where he often found himself craning his neck, searching for the exact shade of (h/c) that would signal the entrance of his crush.

He never found it.

It was when he wasn't looking that he saw it.

A flash of that beautiful (h/c), out of the corner of his eye. His head snapped around like a bloodhound catching the scent of its prey, his eyes scanning the crowd of people for that colour.

Again. He was able to obtain a better glimpse this time. She was still faceless, but he was able to see the blue of her beautiful dress, silver twisting up the long sleeves.

"Yoosung?" Jaehee asked him, looking as proper as ever in her work clothes. "Did you hear a word of what I just said? We need a couple of people to speak about MC. Would you like to?"

Yoosung shook his head and departed, as if in a dream. Jaehee sighed, an image of MC filling her mind. She missed her friend. A lot.

The blond boy- no, the events of recent times had made him a man- threaded through the guests, determined to reach the mirage. She was making her way to the refreshments table, her back still turned.

He had to be sure. They had said that Rika was dead, but that was not the truth. Hope gripped his heart as he pushed through.

The girl, having reached her destination, turned around and Yoosung was greeted with the familiar (e/c) shade of her eyes. Reality twisted as soon as those eyes met his, and he was sure that the woman standing before him was MC, certain of it.

MC smiled at Yoosung in greeting, and he smiled so brightly he was sure the sun could not outshine him. Her name had just started to leave his lips when he saw the small scar, years old, at the corner of her mouth.

MC didn't have a scar.

Reality crashed back down on him in a big wave. He wanted to leave, he didn't want to talk to this similar girl- but it was too late. He had initiated the conversation, now he had to continue it.

His smile dimmed in joy but did not falter... he refused to allow it. "Welcome to the RFA party!"

The girl who was not MC's smile grew wider at the warm greeting. "Thank you. Are you a member?"

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