Chapter 2-Aggressive Moves Part 1

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(Coruscant-Jedi Temple)

The Jedi Temple was a sight to behold on Coruscant. A beacon of light to many on the planet and a place where the Jedi Order called their home. It was a symbol of justice to those who knew the Jedi and loved to bask in its presence. The temple structure's pillars were designed to harness the very Light Side of the Force to bask the Jedi in its power. To focus their minds, to understand the Force better, and to better understand the Galaxy as a whole. A place of light, wisdom, and understanding of the Galaxy was centered here with the Jedi staring into the cosmos through their own "gateway" few could even begin to understand.

Only now, the Jedi Temple, and the Jedi within did not feel centered in their own domain due to what had recently transpired throughout the Force.

"How? How can someone have such power over the Dark Side? To think the Sith would return in our time and wield such...evil!" exclaimed Jedi Master Yarael Poof while his fellow Jedi Masters sat around him also looking concerned.

"It should not be possible. The Sith have extinct for a millennia. Since the last Jedi/Sith War," said Ki-Adi-Mundi since the Sith had not been seen, felt, or heard from during that time.

At most, the Jedi dealt with grayish aspect of the order. Namely Dark Jedi or Jedi who went rogue to pursue different aspects of the Force. Nothing of the Dark Side per se, but still enough to warrant these rogues be stopped.

But this? A Sith! In their time no less.

"Hard to see the Dark Side is," countered Yoda, who was the oldest member there, and knew from his own experience that nothing ever truly dies.

It changes. Transforms. Becomes something new.

"Where was this dark presence felt?" asked Mace Windu while looking over at Plo Koon.

"The one place we don't want him to be right now. Naboo," answered Plo Koon while the Jedi in the room looked even more uneasy.

"Naboo? Isn't that where Master Qui-gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-wan Kenobi went to deal with the Trade Federation?" said Eeth Koth with many nodding gravely at his words due to them being true and what it meant.

Two of their own were in considerable danger at the moment. Even worse, but the Queen of Naboo they were assigned to help was also in danger.

"Couldn't we assemble a team of Jedi to deal with this Sith?" asked Ki-Adi-Mundi since they had done it before with Dark Jedi and those who left the Order to pursue their own understanding of the Force in...questionable manners.

"If they were all on Naboo, I would say yes. But at the moment, I sense our comrades are not on Naboo at all. And neither is the Sith. If what I am sensing is in fact correct...the Sith is traveling with Master Qui-gon and Padawan Kenobi," said Plo Koon with the Jedi Masters in the room looking even more worried.

"Traveling willingly? Or perhaps some kind of hostage situation by the Sith to keep us from sending a team after him?" questioned Mace with Plo Koon shaking his head.

"I don't know. This presence that came out of nowhere is unlike anything I have ever felt before now. It is like staring at a supernova, only for it to be covered in an eclipse like darkness. It blankets planets and stars in its wake. Covering everything like a blanket and making things almost impossible to see," said Plo Koon before turning to Master Yoda for guidance.

"The Veil of the Dark Side this is. A ripple of the cloth we are feeling. Long has it been slowly spreading throughout the Galaxy it has," said Master Yoda while others frowned in confusion.

"If Veil of the Dark Side has been spreading slowly through the Galaxy all this time, who is causing it to spread? This Sith isn't the source. The action to be used in blinding us in the Force with it was done too soon," said Jedi Master Yarael Poof since the use of such a Veil done ages ago back when the Sith were large mass and meant to blind the Jedi from seeing future events during the wars the two sides fought in.

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