Chapter 4-Gathering and Plans

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The celebration on Naboo didn't look to be slowing down in the slightest. People were still dancing in the streets. The parade held for all those who fought to liberate the planet from the Trade Federation stretched on from one end of the street to the next. Gungans and Nubians alike were united under a banner of peace with a promise of prosperity for years to come between them. A new age where all benefited and intended to joy for as long as they lived.

The only one not celebrating with everyone...was Darth Vader.

He was in the palace watching from the window several stories above them and thought back to how things had played out. Maul was dead. Aurra Sing was dead. Two pawns of Sidious were no more. Aurra Sing was a future pawn of Sidious during and following the Clone Wars when the Empire came to power with the hunt for remaining Jedi started. She had killed quite a few of them when Jedi were being hunted by the Empire, himself, and anyone willing to go after them for a reward.

The Viceroy was killed when one of the stray blaster bolts shot from a battle droid was reflected back from Obi-wan's Lightsaber at Gunray with the shot hitting him right in the forehead. By the time the Queen, her team, and the Jedi defeated all the battle droids, the tightfisted bureaucrat of the Trade Federation was long since dead. Only his second in command remained and already he had confessed much of his and the Viceroy's past action to the Jedi in their connection to Darth Sidious.

It was for the best since Sidious would no doubt end the alien's life as quickly as possible before the Jedi stumbled upon his true identity. Not that the Viceroy's second new it and was kept even farther at length from Sidious then the Viceroy himself. Still, giving the Jedi the Sith Lord's name would definitely keep them on their toes hunting for Vader's former Master.

As for the battle station above orbit, Anakin Skywalker had saved the day as Vader knew he would, and wondered what his Mother would think of him doing such an insane thing. He hoped his Mother wouldn't be too upset with his child form for doing what the Force had commanded of him and doing the seemingly impossible at such a young age. The boy would soon be initiated into the Jedi Order. Vader knew the original answer by them was no, but Obi-wan was scheduled to become a Jedi Knight after using his body as a shield at the last moment to save Padme's double from being hit by a blaster bolt in his right shoulder.

They would make anyone a Jedi Knight for the simplest things. Save a Queen's double and you get advancement. Yet lead a clone army into the depths of Hell itself with battle droids aiming to kill you almost nonstop for well over a year? When you are called the Chosen One by the Jedi Order, the qualifications are much different. Even more so when you lose an arm against a Sith Lord while defending your Master in a Lightsaber duel.

Anakin should have been promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight simply on that one single act alone. Hypocrites. When the Clone Wars started, Vader would not shed a tear for the Jedi slain in battle who thought in that manner.

Let the arrogant die. Let them die while the open minded live through the war to change the Galaxy into something better.

"You are not joining in the festivities," commented Qui-gon Jinn after entering the room.

"I do not belong down there," replied Vader like it was a natural answer to accept.

"The Queen wishes to honor you for your bravery. You killed a Sith, a deadly assassin who specializes in hunting Jedi, and provided evidence of the Trade Federation's illegal invasion. I'm not ashamed to admit it, but you have done far more for the Queen then I or Obi-wan could have ever hoped to achieve. Whether you accept this or not, I thank you for your assistance in this mission," said Qui-gon while Vader smiled behind the mask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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