Chapter 3-Aggressive Moves Part 2

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The trip to Coruscant was met with little problems surprisingly enough given just how the crew of this Nubian ship had a lot happen to them in such a short amount of time. Like being been shot at when leaving Naboo, landing on an Outer Rim world controlled by a notorious gangster for a Hutt, hunted by a Dark Side using assassin, and putting their fate of getting the necessary parts in the hands of a 9 year old boy. Add to the fact they were being aided by the Jedi's rival, who was using what was the polar opposite of their power.

So it was a nice change of pace for them even if they knew it was only a small reprieve to what was going to happen when arriving on Coruscant. They knew it was only a matter of time before being sent back into the dangerous grip their enemies had planned for them back on Naboo.

The Jedi stayed close to the Queen. Providing her insight on what they knew about the Senate since she had never been to Coruscant or dealt with their politics. The Queen was accepting of their advice since she did not know what to expect and had simply hoped the Senate would instantly act when told her story.

Anakin and his Mother Shimi were welcomed aboard the ship thanks to Padme, who had "talked" to the Queen about the elder Skywalker into being a handmaiden. Naturally, it was a quickly accepted decision, and one Shimi humbly accepted. The Queen had also assured the older woman that being a handmaiden was not like being a slave. For one, the Queen promised that once Naboo was freed from invasion, a proper home would be made for her, and a steady income too.

As for Anakin, he was always welcome on Naboo when not focusing on his future Jedi duties since Qui-gon had made it clear to the boy he would become one. His potential in the Force was high and could become a great Jedi if he committed to it. Anakin accepted it, even when warned that it was a hard life, filled with hard truths, and the training itself would not be easy. Anakin didn't care. He had a chance to go out into the Galaxy and fight against the evil that was out there that supported thing like slavery. He would fight against such things, protect people from harm, and free other slaves in the process.

Naturally, his Mother was concerned for him, but Anakin assured her that with the Jedi training he would receive, it would be okay. Besides, Qui-gon had told Shimi any kind of mission Anakin first went on wouldn't be for several years at least, and only after being brought up to speed with extensive training at the Jedi Temple before being trained by his assigned Jedi Master.

Of course, Qui-gon didn't tell Anakin he planned to take the boy as his apprentice in a few years time after Obi-wan himself took the Jedi Trials to become a Jedi Knight. As much as Qui-gon wanted to take the boy as his Jedi Padawan now, the rules of the Jedi Order had forbid it, and would deny the Jedi Master outright.

As for Vader, he kept his distance from the rest of the crew. He spend his days eating alone, training in private, and meditating in private. No one really wanted to be around him given the "darkness" that seemed to be around him. Or the fact he was clearly some kind of dark entity similar to the one that tried to kill the Queen. While they were grateful to him for siding with her in this, it was clear his presence made people very nervous.

Vader didn't mind nor did he care about that. What he cared about was ensuring things went as planned. That his Mother stayed safe, living well past the next 10 years, and not dying before her time.

So far that plan was almost complete. Naboo never had problems with their sector of the Galaxy after the Trade Federation lost to them. Even during the Clone Wars, the planet was almost never bothered with the exception of one instance or two. Though Vader had planned to hire some discreet agents by that point to watch over and protect Shimi to help ensure she didn't die.

The next part of the plan involved her son, Anakin Skywalker, getting accepted into the Jedi Order despite the stupid fact he would no doubt be labeled "too old" by the stuffy Jedi Masters there. Vader knew this was going to be a difficult task given how those emotionless fools on the Jedi Council would see Anakin as something that went against their way of doing things for the last 1,000 years. Anakin Skywalker was more then just the "Child of Prophecy" that was foretold, but a boy who become a man, and would one day possibly try to inspire change in the Jedi Order. A change the Jedi Masters of this time did not want and thus tried to change him in order to prevent the prophecy from one day forcing them to change with the times.

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