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Tzuyu still can't accept that Jihoon and Guanlin is already married. Tzuyu decided to confess  by using a fake account named JihoonOppa, She message Jihoon.

"Jihooniee, I want to tell you that I'm so in love with you! I always visit your instagram, I admire you so much Jihoonie, I hope you can accept my love for you" Tzuyu send it to Jihoon, Unfortunately Jihoon is already sleeping and Guanlin was the one who's using Jihoon's account he then saw a message, "JihoonOppa?" he said as he got curious and then open the chat box and his eyes widen. "Jihooniee, I want to tell you that I'm so in love with you! I always visit your instagram, I admire you so much Jihoonie, I hope you can accept my love for you" as he read it his heart felt pain as he clench his fist and then reply, "Let's meet at the Seoul Cafe! be there at 5 pm" Tzuyu's eyes widen when she saw Jihoon replied to her chat and then she smile and reply "Sure!" Guanlin read it and he punch his desk thank god he's downstairs he then logged out after that and went to the garden to inhale some fresh air. "You're dead JihoonOppa" he said as he clench his fist again. 

Morning comes Jihoon woke up and saw his kids smiling at him "What is it?" he said as he chuckled at his kids cuteness. "Hyung, I'm heading out, I'll be home at 6 pm" Guanlin said as he went outside. Jihoon noticed Guanlin's eyebugs "Did he sleep?" He asked, "I don't know eomma but appa seems didn't sleep" Guanhoon said. Jihoon open his instagram account then his chat box too bad Guanlin delete the chatbox of him and the JihoonOppa fake account made by Tzuyu. 

Guanhoon then said "Eomma let's go to Uncle Jisung'place!" The two then nodded. "Sure, let's go" Jihoon said and then they went to take a bath after that they wear their clothes. 

Jihoon and the triplets grabbed a taxi and then ride it on their way to Jisung's house. Guanlin was already at the cafe, Jihoon and the triplets arrived at Jisung's house that is near to the cafe to where Guanlin is gonna meet JihoonOppa AKA Tzuyu. 

They knocked on the door and there Jisung opened the door and he saw Jihoon with the triplets he then smile and said "Come in, what brings you guys here?", Jihoon answered "Guanhoon said he wants to go here and this two agreed", Jisung smile at the triplets. "Hehe you love your uncle that much" Jisung said when Sungwoon appeared

The triplets laughed at Sungwoon, "What's happening I can't breathe" Sungwoon said, "pfft you wear it wrong haha hyung"Jihoon said as he chuckled

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The triplets laughed at Sungwoon, "What's happening I can't breathe" Sungwoon said, "pfft you wear it wrong haha hyung"Jihoon said as he chuckled. Jisung broke into laughter at his idiot boyfriend he starts to roll on the floor. 

Sungwoon then fixed it, "aish. you'll fart if you laughed too much babe haha" Sungwoon said when Jisung really fart making Jihoon and the triplets laughed, Jisung blushed to embarrassment. 

Then they play at Jisung's place when Jihoon starts to get thirsty "Ah hyung, I think I need to buy a coffee at the Seoul Cafe"Jihoon said as he went outside. It's already 5pm Guanlin is waiting when he saw Tzuyu, "What is she doing here?" He said. When Tzuyu saw Guanlin she then asked while stuttering. "Oh Mr. Lai what are you doing here?", "How about you?" Guanlin returned the question to Tzuyu. "Ah, I'll meet someone today at 5pm" Tzuyu said as she flips her hair. "Meet?" Guanlin said as he begin to suspicious. When Jihoon entered the Cafe, Tzuyu's heart beat fast. "Oh guanlin-ah"Jihoon said as he saw Guanlin but then he saw Tzuyu he felt anger. "What is this?" He asked as he crossed his arm. "Ms.Chou, are you JihoonOppa?" Guanlin asked in a serious tone. "What's happening"Jihoon asked curiously, "Yeah" Tzuyu answered as she hugged Jihoon "Saranghae! Jihoon! I hope you'll return my love for you" Tzuyu said making Guanlin and Jihoon shocked. 

"Jihoon isn't the one you chat yesterday, it's me" Guanlin said as he looked at Tzuyu mad. "I admire you for being the best CEO and now I finally know you're dirty too and a husband stealer" Guanlin added. "Tzuyu-ah" Jihoon said as he pushed Tzuyu away from him. "Don't you dare touch me! I hate it!" Jihoon said as he went to Guanlin. "Why? i love you! that's why i worked hard to be able to go here in korea!" Tzuyu said as she cry. 


Tzuyu was a nurse in America when she noticed Jihoon, She begin to serve Jihoon in the hospital but Jihoon didn't noticed her or mind her as he was spacing out due to what happened. 

1 week had passed when Jihoon got discharged, Tzuyu was so happy carrying a tray with lots of food when she saw the room is empty she then asked the doctor "Ah doctor where is the patient in this room?" as her smile fade. "Mr. Park is already discharged and he went back to Korea"The doctor replied as he went back to where he is heading. "What?"Tzuyu said in disbelief as she let go of the tray and the food fall on the ground

She then worked hard until she became a CEO then she decided to worked in Korea using her company. 


"It's not my fault, I appreciate your feelings but I can't return it the way you want, I'm married and I love Guanlin" Jihoon said coldly as he was about to help Tzuyu to get up when Tzuyu sway it away and said "I don't wanna see you again!" as she shout, "You! Mr. Lai you're fired!" Tzuyu added. "Even if you didn't say it, I will resign cause I don't wanna worked to someone who wants to steal my husband"Guanlin said as he dragged Jihoon out of the Cafe leaving Tzuyu crying while the people around her is gossiping. Jihoon then hugged Guanlin and said "I'm yours" , "I know" Guanlin said as he hugged back then they went back to Jisung's house and fetch the triplets.

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