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That morning I didn't remember waking up. Everything was fuzzy, and everything was going by way too quickly. I remember sitting up and seeing Mike rolled over on the other side of my bed, with his white t shirt and jeans still on. I remember asking him to stay, and I remember him staying. His hair was messy but in a good way, and his breathing was steady. I yawned, and I slowly got out of bed. I went over to my dresser and grabbed some clothes which ended up being a hoodie and some leggings.

I hopped into the shower, watching the dirt and makeup from last night run down the drain in a spiral. I scrubbed the remaining makeup off my face and wrapped a towel around my hair. I got dressed and didn't dare to turn off the shower while I did. I knew Andy would wait about 5 minutes and then open the door if he wanted to talk to me. I wasn't avoiding my brother, I just needed some time and space before approaching him.

I finally turned off the shower and I did my hair as my wet, messy, curls flew over my shoulders. I walked out of the shower and back into my room but was surprised when I saw Mike sitting on the small two person couch, yawning and trying his best to fix his hair without a brush or any product.

"Hey" he said bolting upright."How are you?" he asked quickly, shoving his hands into his jean pockets.

"I'm okay" I gave him a small smile. I laid my dirty clothes into a pile on the floor in the corner of my room and went to sit on my bed.

"How are you?" I asked him. He looked shocked to see that I asked.

"Im good" he responded.

"I'm sorry about last night. That should have never happened" he explained."I don't want to push you into saying but... did he... do anything to you?" his eyes gleamed with sorrow and I felt bad for dragging him into my drama.

I shook my head and I could see Mike's tense muscles retract."I'm still sorry" he said.

"It's not like you would've been watching my every step to make sure I was okay. It was completely my dumb choice, and you can see where that got me" I told Mike. His muscles tensed again.

"Right... well. I should get home before my parents worry about me. I'll see you at school on Monday?" he questioned.

"Yeah" I smiled at him. I walked over to my door and opened it. But just as I opened my door Andy's opened and out came a messy, stubbly Andy. I quickly shut my door before he could see me. He could just think I just got back in.

I went back to my bed after locking the door and then locking the bathroom door.

"Just give it a minute" I told Mike. He had is shoes on now and all I could do was watch Mike as he got up and sat back down.

"Andy?" he whispered. I nodded my head and sat down at my desk. I held my hoodie close to my body, feeling like I will never be comfortable in my own skin again. I didn't want to talk about it, and I didn't want to make it a big deal. Nothing happened so I didn't know why I was acting so damn scared and disgusted.

"Can I drive you home?"I asked hopefully."I miss it just being us, driving, talking, singing, dancing" I smiled weakly. I could see his face brighten up, and I could sense he was happy to hear that.

"Id like that" he said with a smile. After a little while I heard a faint knock on my door.

"Autumn. Im sorry about last night, I should've never dragged you through that" it was Andys faint voice. I had a sick feeling that Dad had taken the car today. I knew Andy and I were talking about letting him have it and have us start walking to school, but I had a sickening feeling that because Andy was so upset with Mike that he might've told my dad to take it to go to work.

I didn't have a problem with it but Mike might. I sighed and leaned back running my fingers through my wet semi curly hair, feeling my soft, white comforter hit my back.

"Uuughhh" I rubbed my temples, I had a slight headache from last night but I was so used to it only complained when it was piercing.

"I think we should climb out the window. Andy isn't going away any time soon, and I need to get home" Mike said, causing me to sit up.

"Okay" I didn't argue. I grabbed my shoes that he kindly took off for me last night and went out the window and stood on the roof before Mike came out. He came up to the window, about to come out but I stopped him."Oh crap. Can you unlock my door for me please?" I asked him. He smiled slightly and walked over to my door and unlocked it quietly and came through the window.

I got to the gutter and sat down with my legs dangling over the rim. I grabbed my shoes and put them on before I jumped. I got to the ground with a loud thud and I watched as Mike followed my actions.  His feet came in contact with the earth with a thump and next thing I knew were heading towards the street.

"I still have the keys" Mike said out of the silence.

So my dads still home. He was probably still asleep.

"Okay" I said as he handed them to me. I felt ill, and I just thought it was because I was afraid Mike would have to walk home after all this, but its not. It was more and I didn't know why I felt so sick. I unlocked the crappy car and drove Mike home.

"Thank you Mike" I said to him once we reached his house. He seemed sad and extremely tired.

"You're welcome, Autumn" he replied before getting out.

The whole drive home was quiet for a change. I didn't want music, I didn't want to talk, I didn't know what I wanted. I got home and got up the courage to open the front door. No one was in sight. The kitchen, dining room, living room, backyard, everything was quiet downstairs. Except for the soothing sound of quick clicking of keys on a keyboard that made me feel at home when I heard my dad working.

I smiled to myself and took my shoes off, then scurrying upstairs. Andy must've been in his room because I didn't hear anything else in the house. I got to my room without any interactions and I closed my door and collapsed on my bed. Then everything went dark and I was swarmed with a vivid dream that was sweet on the tongue.

Love y'all!


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