Chapter 12

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Jimin was cuddled up in Yoongi's lap, the two boys having moved to the couch a couple of hours ago. They had decided to leave the topic of their current relationship, instead focusing on feeling comfortable the night before they were running away together.

Yoongi felt like the whole thing was very rushed, and he didn't want to put Jimin in danger, but Jimin insisted, so Yoongi wouldn't refuse.

There was something about the younger boy that just made Yoongi want to follow his every command and order, but he managed to control himself to a certain degree. 

"I have to go soon, but I'll be back before dawn, I promise", Jimin said, his voice muffled against Yoongi's neck.

Their hands were intertwined, Jimin's head resting on Yoongi's shoulder.

"Okay. Be safe, okay? I don't want anything to happen to you", the older boy said, caressing Jimin's lower back with his free hand. Jimin looked up at him and smiled.

"I will be careful. I won't drink too much, or go home with anyone strange. I would have rejected the invite, but we always go out these days, so it would be weird if I were to suddenly refuse", he said. Yoongi nodded in understanding.

A little while ago, someone had called Jimin, and he had gone into his bedroom to talk to them. Yoongi understood his wanting for privacy, he himself hated that people overheard his conversations, no matter what they were about.

When he came back out a few minutes later, he told Yoongi that his friend had called him and reminded him that they were going to meet up at the club down street that night. So he simply had to leave Yoongi for a few hours.

As the time neared, Jimin would get dressed, and then they would lay in each other's arms on the couch for the remains of the time.

But now Jimin had to get going, and Yoongi didn't want to let him go. He was scared that something would happen to him. He was scared that there was someone out there following him, that were ready to strike again. And he was scared the next victim was going to be Jimin.

But he had to. The younger boy slipped out of the apartment after grabbing his keys, and Yoongi was left there, the silence deafening.


Police inspector Han Binseol was staring at the computer screen in front of her.

She was a relatively new police inspector, just passing her 30's. She had been partnered with the experienced Min Kyungsoo as a trainee of sorts, but she had never expected to be involved in such a big case so quickly.

Her hair was bleached blonde, cut in a short bob that was just long enough to pin up and out of her face.

The interrogation almost seven hours prior hadn't been intense, but it had been hard. It was clear that those two people - Namjoon and Seokjin, was it? - were very close with the suspect. Kyungsoo had rushed to Busan, while Binseol had been left behind to keep an eye on the two friends.

She had decided to so some research. She couldn't remember having heard of any similar cases like this before, but where would someone get an idea like that? Cutting the heart of the body... and after they were dead? It had to be some kind of statement or something.

And she was not disappointed.

Just four weeks ago, a human heart was found in a dumpster in Gwangju, but the body was never found. And a year ago, no less than five bodies had been found buried somewhere in Daegu. And that was far from the only cases.

It seemed the crimes had nothing to do with each other, however, as they were spread across the entire country, but something they all had in common was that the killer was never identified. Maybe it was some kind of cult? Maybe Min Yoongi had become a part of a cult, and set it up so the police would think someone was after him? Or maybe someone actually was after him, and that person was a part of the cult?

Binseol's head was filled with questions as she scrolled down the screen, clicking to the next page of the search result. 

Suddenly, a very old article caught her eye. It was dated ten years ago, and at first, she didn't understand what it had to do with anything, but out of curiosity, she clicked it.

The "heartbreaker" brothers escape mental institution after four years of unsuccessful therapy

Binseol frowned, scrolling down the page.

The two brothers were arrested four years ago, after murdering their own parents by stabbing them multiple times in the stomach- and chest area after what seemed to the police like a failed strangulation attempt. They had also removed the hearts from their bodies, making officers immediately send them to the Kim Sewoo's mental institution for disturbed children. Today, the two boys were reported missing from the institution.

Binseol scrolled further down the page, an image of the two boys coming onto the screen. The image made her freeze up.

The two boys couldn't be more than eight and ten. And they had escaped the institution ten years ago. A shudder crept it's way up the police inspector's spine as she thought about where the two boys could be today.

Could they be the ones behind all these murders?

Or was this all just a coincidence?

She rubbed her face, shutting down the page, trying to think of something else.

It couldn't be them, could it? Why would Yoongi be specially targeted then? Unless he made it seem like that? But why would he do that if he was not guilty?

So many questions and so little answers.


A loud crash was what made Yoongi's eyes rip open.

He blinked, trying to adjust to the darkness. He looked around for a second, trying to remember where he was.

After Jimin had left, and it was getting late, Yoongi had gotten changed and ready for bed, but he had gone into Jimin's bedroom, thinking it was okay for him to do so, considering their moment earlier.

He was expecting to see a sleeping Jimin on the other side of the bed, but when he looked, it was empty. Could Jimin have fallen out in the living room? Or maybe he hadn't come home yet? 

Yoongi rubbed his eyes, deciding to check out what the noise had been. He tried to rid his mind of all the bad thoughts of what it could be, but as he opened the bedroom door ever so slightly, all thoughts were wiped from his brain.

And it was that night Min Yoongi finally saw a human heart.


oh. Oh. OH.

This is all planned, hehehe *laughs evily*

Thank you for sticking around this far, things are about to wrap up!

Who do you think is the culprit? And who's heart do you think he sees?

Read the next chapter to get an answer...

And please share, comment and vote if you enjoyed this chapter! <3


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