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New day, fresh start and also new neighbor ?

Sam golbach was your average teenage boy, well sorta average there was one thing about him that made him different.. he was gay, he was from a very small town so there wasn't many people to be gay but sam was one of them.  Sam's mother accepted him and loved him for whoever he was or who he dated but his father on the other hand was homophobic he left when sam came out and claimed he wont have a "fag"  as a son so his mother kicked him out. Sam didn't mind only having one parent and not many friends because he knew as long as he trusted himself nothing bothered him.


waking up to the sound of a giant truck  is amazing right?

i look over at  clock and sigh "only 9:16" i manage to pull myself out of bed and make my way to my closet i grab a purple hoodie, black jeans, and vans and head down stairs.  reaching the bottom i could smell my moms breakfast through the whole house  " goodmorning sweetheart" she says turning around with a plate of eggs, pancakes and a cup a juice "what's all that noise outside"? i asked her peaking out the living room window seeing the moving truck that woke me up "were getting a new neighbor something about his son wanting a new start" new start.. here ? i look at her with one eyebrow raised "well what's this kids name" i turn to face my mom "he's well know around many parts of this world ... colby brock"? she raises her voice trying to figure out the correct pronunciation while i stand there shell shocked " y-you mean t-the colby brock, the model"? i asked with wide eyes looking down " i suppose so oh and i signed you up to show him around hiltman high" she giggles and pulls me into a hug "maybe he could be your next boyfriend" she turns on heel and walks in the house leaving me standing outside, mouth wide open, and bugged out eyes this is not actually happening.. i-im touring "him" around the school could
my life get any worse ?

hElLo i'm trash yes and this book is to but i love solby and so do you ... yeah i'm gonna go now :)

wc: 395 🥀🌪

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